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“Nobody cared” – Publimetro Chile

For viewers who followed the series Los 80 on Channel 13 every Sunday, it was surprising that from one season to the next, the actor who played Ana’s father was changed without warning.

This is also a folklorist Jorge Yanezwho revealed why he was abruptly removed and criticized, in passing, that no one in the cast of the successful fiction cared.

According to what he told the media Page 7when filming began, they were offered a rather modest payment per episode, since the project had a limited budget. But when they saw that it became a huge success, they asked for an adjustment in the payment, a request that did not receive a favorable response.

“They took me out) because I demanded my salary. It was a project where the actors of the time were asked to be included in a kind of pilot. If that turned out to be the case, it would continue forever, so we were told that there was little capital, little money, it was not what we, the actors, were used to receiving,” he said.

Yáñez explained that “it is different to film a soap opera where they earn millions of pesos spread over several months. Here there was very little money, let’s say I get paid 100,000 pesos per episode, that is, if I worked they paid me that. And when we saw that the soap opera was a success, then I went to tell the producers, ‘hey we succeeded, people liked it, so let’s fix the salary now’.”

However, it was more profitable for the production to hire another actor, assuming that the change would not be decisive in the development of the story.

“’No, we’re going to pay you the same,’ they told me. So I left.”

“Everyone scratches with their own nails”

However, what also hurt the folklorist was the lack of importance he had for his castmates, such as Tamara Acosta (his daughter in the fiction) and Daniel Muñoz, who played Juan Herrera.

“Nobody cared. There was a tremendous cast, none of my colleagues ever approached me to ask what had happened. They found out from television, from the morning magazine shows and from the newspaper. In that sense, well, each one scratches himself with his own nails, it seems.he added.

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