According to Ángel Polibio Córdoba, director of CEDATOS he Republic President, Daniel Noboaachieved an increase in its approval by almost 5%, going from the 63% registered days before the Sunday April 21 at 68.5%; which allows the president to leave almost in tables after queryaccording to the analyst.
Noboa stopped the pronounced fall that had been recorded since February, when he reached his peak of popularity in which he exceeded 81.4%, in March it stood at 74.1% and at the beginning of April his approval dropped to 68.8% and Already a week before the vote it stood at 63%. Regarding Noboa’s credibility, Córdova indicated that she remains at 63%.
Another measurement point made by Cedatos is that, despite the victory of 9 of the 11 questions taken to the popular consultationthe National Electoral Council (CNE), like the National Government, must reflect and develop better communication strategies for future referendum processes.
«For the future when there is another consultation, or a referendum, the citizen must be sufficiently informed. The balance of communication is very unfavorable,” said the director of CEDATOS.
Credibility of the Assembly in free fall helps Noboa
On the other hand, According to the latest Cedatos study, after the vote on April 21only 15% of Ecuadorians believe in the members of Parliament. Being the National Assembly the great defeat after the referendum.
For this reason, according to Polibio Córdoba “at the end of the alliance the parties” of that governance pactThey left bad standing both the Christian Socialists and the Correístas, while the noboism» This is also thanks to the Metastasis, Purge and Plague cases involving the PSC and Correismo, which are the groups with the greatest presence in Parliament.
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