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Nobel Prize for hepatitis C virus discoverers, who have saved millions of lives

The Nobel Prize in Medicine goes to the three scientists who discovered the hepatitis C virus. They are the British Michael Houghton and the Americans Harvey J. Alter and Charles M. Rice.

The discovery of hepatitis C liver disease was important, according to the Nobel Committee, because a large proportion of hepatitis cases did not fit the picture of the variants known until then: hepatitis A and hepatitis B. “Their discovery has now made very accurate blood tests available, virtually eliminating blood transfusion infections in many parts of the world, “the committee writes.

The discovery in the late 1980s also led to the development of a drug. Millions of lives have been saved through this drug and the blood tests and, according to the Nobel Committee, that was only possible through the work of the two Americans and the British scientist. “For the first time in history, the disease can now be cured and hopes are growing that hepatitis C can be eradicated.”

Hundreds of thousands of deaths every year

Hepatitis C is a leading cause of liver cancer. The hepatitis C virus is usually transmitted via blood, for example via injection needles, blood transfusions or during sex. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 71 million people worldwide are chronically infected and about 400,000 people died from it in 2016.

The three scientists have received more than 900,000 euros for the Nobel Prize for Medicine. The money comes from the legacy of the Swede Alfred Nobel, who invented dynamite in 1866. Last year the prize also went to two Americans and a Briton, for their research into how cells come into contact with oxygen and adapt to it.

Next week, the other Nobel Prizes will also be announced: tomorrow and the day after tomorrow for physics and chemistry. The Nobel Prize for Literature follows on Thursday and the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday. Finally, it will become clear next Monday which economist has won the prize.

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