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Noah Lyles Has Asthma and Depression. 100m Champion Opens Up About Illnesses

Noah Lyles, who won gold in the 100m, turned out to be not only the winner of the Olympic competition, but also a man who wins with his illnesses every day. In a sincere post on the X website, Noah Lyles shared with fans the information that he has been struggling with asthma, allergies, ADD, anxiety and depression for years.

Author: AP PHOTO/MARTIN MEISSNER The world’s best sprinter struggles with illness. Noah Lyles talks about depression and asthma

Kim is Noah Lyles?

Noah Lyles he turned 27 in July. In August he became the Olympic champion in the 100 m. The world’s top sprinter covered the distance in 9.784 seconds. The second-place finisher, Kishane Thompson, had a time of 9.789 seconds, just 0.005 seconds slower. The announcer initially named him as the winner, but analysis of the finish line recording gave a different answer.

It was Noah Lyles who became the champion, faster by fractions of a second. It is Noah Lyles who is now on everyone’s lips. And not only because of the stunning result.

Noah Lyles has asthma, allergies, anxiety and depression

I have asthma, allergies, dyslexia, ADD, anxiety, and depression. But let me tell you, what you have doesn’t define who you can become. Why not you!” – wrote Noah Lyles on his X (formerly Twitter) profile.

Noah Lyles was diagnosed with asthma at age 5, but he had been struggling with symptoms since he was 3. As a boy, he required a special diet and special arrangements for his home to avoid factors that could trigger allergy and asthma attacks.

At the age of 7, Noah Lyles had his tonsils removed. He did not go to school with other children because his asthma prevented him from functioning outside of a sterile home – he was homeschooled. Noah Lyles himself recalled that at the age of 3-7, statistically every third night he ended up in hospitalbecause he coughed and choked so much because of asthma. He also had a lowered immunity and, as a result, was very susceptible to infections.

Lublin supported Aleksandra Mirosław in the race for gold

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When he finally got strong enough to go to public school, it turned out he had ADD – attention deficit hyperactivity disorder – and dyslexia. As a result, Noah Lyles had great difficulty learning and had trouble relating to his peers. As a school-age child, he was an outsider, without friends. He remembers essays and language tests as a nightmare to this day.

Noah Lyles Overcame Asthma to Become Olympic Champion

Lyles’ life today is a far cry from his childhood. The young athlete has a legion of fans and his asthma is under control enough to become an Olympic champion. But it wasn’t always that way – and Noah Lyles doesn’t hide the fact that he’s come a long way. to get to this point in his life where the fastest 100 m runner in the world.

Noah Lyles Opens Up About Depression and Antidepressants

He has gained applause comparable to that which brought him a gold medal thanks to his posts. This is not the first time he has spoken about depression. In 2020, during the coronavirus pandemic, Noah Lyles admitted that the situation of lockdowns and restrictions caused him to suffer from depression. He calls antidepressant treatment the best decision of his life.

Even then, many people admitted that the confession made by Noah Lyles was edifying and inspiring for them. Admitting the weaknesses of a man who is the fastest in the world has a huge impact on others, who realize that we are all just people and that weakness, illness, asking for help and drug treatment, including antidepressants, are not shameful, but an element of conscious self-care.

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Noah Lyles in wheelchair after 200m race

Noah Lyles also ran the 200m, where he won bronze. However, this time the result was less important. The athlete clearly felt unwell at the finish line. He was taken off the tartan in a wheelchair. He later required oxygen. As it turned out, the sprinter was infected with coronavirus, and his asthma is an additional burden on the body.

Noah Lyles was supposed to be a sure thing for the Americans in the relay race, but in the current situation it is not known whether we will see him on the track during these games. Noah Lyles himself burst into tears after the 200m final, when he came out to talk to journalists. He did not hide the fact that it is a difficult situation for him, also emotionally, also due to the depression, which he still struggles with.

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