Home » Health » No, viruses don’t pass through masks, the proof in the pictures

No, viruses don’t pass through masks, the proof in the pictures

Cold, closed places, laxity on barrier gestures… The current situation favors the spread of winter viruses as well as Covid-19. Wearing a mask is therefore once again strongly recommended to avoid too strong epidemics.

At the same time, false information, spread by former MP and anti-vax psychiatrist Martine Wonner, claims that surgical masks allow the passage of viral particles, and therefore suggest that they are not needed.

1⃣ The masks are made of non-woven fabric.
2⃣ The filter material has an electrostatic charge.
3⃣ Masks are not single layer.
4⃣ Aerosol particles are larger than the viruses they carry.
5⃣ Martine Wonner misinforms (again). https://t.co/Jxf9x0yqka

— Florian Gouthière (@Curiolog) December 6, 2022

Fortunately, this is largely false, as a new scientific study published in the journal shows Scientific reports (Source 1).

Using a new method of analysis, the researchers were able to do this tracking viruses, in inactivated form, as they pass through surgical masks. They thus photographed the different filtering layers of the masks, observed under a microscope.

The protocol simulates the micro-droplet infection process and is currently used by certified test centers to ensure the quality of surgical masks, which must both prevent viral particles…

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