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No training – posse in the pandemic: No junior performance center for female soccer players – sport

This is good news: after around six weeks, the soccer players of the Berlin national team are finally able to train again. What is less positive, however, is that this could have happened a long time ago. The reason for the lack of training was apparently a misunderstanding regarding the training permission of the squad players. This could only be clarified by the fact that the Berlin Football Association (BFV) submitted a written application to the Senate Administration and gave detailed reasons why the training can be carried out under strict hygiene conditions.

“For players who are on their way to the youth national teams, training is of fundamental importance for development,” says Ailien Poese, who is an association sports teacher at BFV. What the players need in order to achieve a competitive sports career cannot be shown online. “Unfortunately, due to administrative procedures, we left important training time for the players.” Poese is nevertheless grateful to be able to offer training again despite the difficult situation.

Michael Fredrich, a father of one of the players affected, finds it incomprehensible that the training had to be canceled for so long. After all, the boys from the regional squad continued to train in the youth training centers at Union and Hertha: “For me, this is unequal treatment of boys and girls.” (NLZ) for girls in Berlin. “That is the structural difference between promoting women’s football, which makes sense through the association,” says Fredrich, “and promoting talent among boys, which is primarily achieved through the NLZ of the Bundesliga clubs and is therefore more like big business.”

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Of course, hygiene regulations would have to be complied with, there was no question about that – he himself is a Covid 19 risk patient – but with a sense of proportion. In contrast to squad athletes and other sports, only the female soccer players were not allowed to train. Take this chance from 36 girls who have the potential to play in the first or second division at some point. His daughter was lucky that she is at an elite sports school and at least there is regular physical education. But further funding is missing, says Fredrich, and leads to underutilization. “Players are disadvantaged compared to players,” says Fredrich.

The looming lockdown could soon take the players off the pitch

In order to be able to resume training, the BFV submitted an application to the Berlin Senate. The Senate Department for Home Affairs and Sport informed the Tagesspiegel that the association’s application had been examined. Accordingly, the resumption of training for the female national cadre is covered by the Infection Protection Ordinance and thus training can take place again. According to the Senate Administration, there is no unequal treatment.

The Landessportbund Berlin informed the Tagesspiegel that it had supported the cause of the Berlin Football Association and that it welcomed the decision of the Senate Administration.

Following the decision of the Senate, the Köpenick District Office immediately approved the training. In consultation with 1. FC Union, the players can now train in the Hämmerlingstrasse sports complex. Fredrich would still think it would be welcome if there was a central location for promoting female talent in Berlin.

The joy of resuming training is now dampened by the increasing number of corona infections. The impending lockdown could soon get the squad players off the pitch again.

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