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‘No, the riots in the Schilderswijk are not a’ cultural problem ‘- De Daily Standaard

The time was right for the virtue brigades to be the ultimate rascal Leo Lucassen to the front. Last week it was all about certain ”’youngsters”’ and opportunity pearls of drillrap gangs. According to Lucassen, we should not look for a cultural problem behind this. According to him that is not there. It remains surprising how this man is taken ‘seriously’, because has he ever made a correct cultural analysis?

His column immediately starts well. The fuss surrounding this problem is of course made great again by evil right-wing populists. According to Lucassen, the few young people with a migration background were an easy target for the evil right.

That was to be expected. The riots in Schilderswijk in The Hague and on Kanaleneiland in Utrecht, in which young people with a migrant background are also involved, have also rekindled the discussion about integration.

Lucassen further states in the column that these kinds of scenes are not new in the Netherlands and in Europe. Lucassen is right about this, the Netherlands has also had a headache for decades from the ever-growing pauperism and vandalism.

But by stating that there are no cultural elements that cause this problem you are completely wrong. The fact that riots and vandalism were done by the car riot population in the past was also a cultural problem. A problem that has been festering within their social group for ages. We now see the same with the young people of last week. We also see a gigantic cultural problem with them!

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