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No Revocation of the HIP Bill, the Government Proposes 3 New Bills


JAKARTA – Government represented Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna H Laoly attended the 2020 Priority National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) Evaluation Work Meeting with the DPR Legislative Body (Baleg) and DPD Law Drafting Committee, Thursday (2/7/2020). During the meeting, there was no revocation Potential Ideology Directive Law (HIP Bill), but the government instead proposed three new bills to be included in the 2020 Priority Prolegnas.

“We express our highest appreciation to the leaders and members of the Legislative Body who continue to discuss and evaluate the Priority Prolegnas in 2020, even though we are currently confronted with the COVID-19 Pandemic situation which we hope will soon pass. Hopefully the decisions reached will benefit the people and countries of Indonesia that we love, “said Yasonna, starting his presentation at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Thursday (07/02/2020).

Yasonna continued, with regard to the evaluation of Prolegnas 2020, by looking at the dynamics of the implementation and the COVID-19 situation, the government in principle agreed with the House of Representatives Legislative Body to perfect the National Legislation and in terms of quantity more realistic and in accordance with legal decisions. (Read it too: Legislator Mention the Fate of the HIP Bill Depends on DPR Leaders and Faction)

This PDIP politician explained, in the 2020 Priority Prolegnas of 13 Bills that were the responsibility of the government to prepare the academic paper (NA) and its draft bill. Respectively, the Criminal Code Bill (carry over), the Correctional Draft Bill (carry over), the Stamp Duty Bill (carry over), the Taxation Draft Bill, the Employment Copyright Bill, the Personal Data Protection Bill, the Narcotics Bill, the Financial Entity Bill, the Papua Special Autonomy Bill, The National Education System Bill, the Financial Consideration Bill between the Central Government and Regional Governments, the National Capital Bill, and the Maritime Security Bill.

“Considering the need for law, then on this occasion if the government agrees to do an evaluation of the Bill in the 2020 Priority Prolegnas,” said Yasonna.

Yasonna said, the government proposed three new bills in the 2020 Priority Prolegnas namely, the Draft Bill on Indonesian Contingent Platform by exchanging the Draft Law on Marine Security in Prolegnas priority 2020. “In the future, we hope that we can discuss sea security in priority in 2021,” he said.

“Second, proposing a bill on the National Development Planning System and third, a bill on the RI Attorney’s Office,” said Yasonna. (Read it too: Democrat Affirms Attitude to Reject HIP Bill From the Beginning)


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