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No relaxation again, will election winner D66 adjust corona policy? | NOW

If it were to succeed in getting the R below 1 and if the hospitals would not come under further pressure, then more would be possible again towards Easter, the cabinet promised two weeks ago. But the numbers are increasing and so this prospect can go to the trash. There is now a new political reality with different ideas about the corona approach.

For a moment it seemed as if the cabinet could look ahead instead of having to sail in the fog. But the hopeful words of outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte and outgoing Minister of Health Hugo de Jonge during the press conference just two weeks ago are dated again.

A new press conference is scheduled for Tuesday evening, but there are likely to be no relaxations announced towards the Easter weekend of April 3 and 4.

There may be a line through the reopening of the outdoor terraces from March 31, which, in the words of De Jonge, would give young people and entrepreneurs more breathing space. The curfew, which Rutte said a month ago would be the first corona measure to be abolished, will almost certainly remain intact.

Back to start

So we are back to square one. Where Rutte was still prepared at the end of February more risk Taking into account the reopening of secondary education and the contact professions, the number of infections is now running well on.

There are some bright spots. For example, the past weekend was a long time for legal parties. On Saturday, 1,500 dance enthusiasts gathered on a small part of the Lowlands site in Biddinghuizen, and on Sunday there was a pop concert for the same number of visitors. They are experiments that should offer hope for the upcoming festival summer.

Another step that society needs to open up a bit more is the introduction of the law that makes test certificates on a large scale possible so that sports matches, cinemas, theaters and the catering industry become accessible again. The law is expected to be discussed in Parliament at the beginning of April.

Ultimately, the vaccine remains unchanged as the most important asset to emerge from the crisis.

Kaag wants more influence on corona policy

What has changed since the last press conference is political relations. VVD has remained the largest party, but D66 is the other big winner. It is precisely who is the party of the coalition with CDA and CU that is most critical of the curfew. It has to be removed “very quickly”, said D66 leader Sigrid Kaag.

Kaag has long advocated a broader corona approach, by reopening colleges, universities and sports stadiums, shops and the catering industry with the help of rapid tests.

“The stretch is out, the psychological and social damage is enormous,” she told it before the election AD. For example, D66 has been asking for the introduction of a vaccination passport for some time now. The Cabinet works now on such a form of admission ticket.

Rutte does not want to ‘polder’

As far as Kaag is concerned, these are not optional wishes, the D66 leader believes that the election results should also be translated into the corona approach, she said before the weekend. When asked, Rutte does not like that.

“The formation will only start at the beginning of April. The virus cannot wait that long,” the prime minister said at the latest press conference. This cabinet sees itself as missionary when it comes to fighting the virus, including during formation. “You can’t talk about that with a lot of people,” said Rutte.

In view of the increasing infections, it seems that, in addition to easing, there is no more room for taking new risks. Not even for the winner of the election.

“Let’s not do stupid things in sight of the port,” De Jonge said on March 8.

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