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No rain of medals for Corsican products

Due to the cancellation of the International Agricultural Show, the finals of the general agricultural competition had been scheduled in the spring on several sites. They will ultimately not take place. 55 Corsican files had been submitted for more than 270 products

They were first deprived of their showcase with the cancellation of the Paris International Agricultural Show. This year, the Corsican producers will also have to do without their medals. The finals of the famous general agricultural competition (CGA), in the categories Products and Wines, will ultimately not take place. And if the organizers, through the voice of the commissioner general Olivier Alleman, prefer to talk about postponement in 2022 than cancellation, the result is the same for those who had submitted their applications.

We remember that for this 2021 edition, due to the absence of the Paris Motor Show, the final stages had been relocated to several sites. And reprogrammed in the spring. Tours – for aperitifs, honey and jams in particular -, Chalons en Champagne – for dairy products -, Angoulême – for charcuterie for example – and Montpellier – for olive oils and wines from Corsica – should therefore welcome the competition between May 13 and 24.

READ ALSO. The Corsican agricultural world deprived of its showcase in Paris

In their communication, the organizers specify that “the sanitary conditions are no longer met to guarantee the reception of jurors from all metropolitan and overseas territories, the application of even more restrictive tasting protocols and respect for the fairness of treatment of the various samples of products and wines “.

An enhancement
not insignificant

On Corsica, there were a little more than 50 to register: 23 in the category Wines for 166 samples and around 30 for the other finals with 116 different products. “It’s a little less than in normal years since there is an erosion of around 20%, especially in wine, explains Jean-Philippe Micaelli, reference for the CGA in the Chamber of Agriculture. This is mainly due to the dates of the finals. The winemakers and cellars have already bottled their wine and labeled everything. They should then come back to stick their medals. For the commercial aspect too, they would have arrived a little late “.

Traditionally, the general agricultural competition is one of the highlights of the Parisian show. Exploded on several sites, the event does not have quite the same flavor. However, the medals, each competitor recognizes, it brings a significant plus for the development of a product.

Anthony Domestici, a pig farmer in Pianu, had won gold last year with his cup, for his second participation in the CGA. “The first year, I didn’t get anything. Of course, the medal allowed me to make myself known, especially since I had an article in Corse-Matin. And it really boosted my sales “, he explains. The postponement of the finals, he learned from us yesterday. And if he has been a little disappointed, he takes it with humor. “I had put a nice cup aside, it will not be lost, we will eat it! “

Marc’Andria Chiodi, a winemaker in Aleria, also won his first medals at the 2020 Agriculture Show. He was competing again this year with one of his wines, intended for mass distribution. He also learned yesterday of the cancellation of the event. “It’s important a medal, especially when, like me, you’re at the start of the course. But hey, anyway, that was to be expected. At least we won’t have to stick the medals by hand. “, he observes stoically. Stoic, Xavier Baldovini is too. The Pietrosu cheese maker admits he loves competitions. His competitive side, he assumes. “I understand that this is postponed, given the context. I had nevertheless selected my cheeses for these finals. Medals, this year, I obtained others at the Lyon dairy products competition. a lesser evil! “, he admits.

No international ranking

Even if they take a step back and put things into perspective, island producers know that this recognition of the quality of their work is important. Especially in terms of image, promotion, aura.

“This year there will be no international prize-winners and most of the national competitions and shows, in addition to the CGA, are canceled., says Jean-Philippe Micaelli. In any case, we were ready to present the products, we had taken specific health measures. It is 20 to 30 days of work for the service which is reduced to nothing. We hope, like everyone else, that next year will go better with an Agricultural Show and a return to normal for all the related events. “

While waiting for better days, it will also be noted that the medals awarded in 2020 to “know-how” products – by that mean those which do not depend on a harvest or a vintage – are maintained. And that since it was not canceled but postponed, the 132e general agricultural competition will take place. In less than a year, we hope.

Let us also remember that while most of the major agricultural events cannot be held this year, a few have been maintained. Recently, the national olive oil competition with a protected designation of origin took place in Nyons, in the Drome. And three gold medals were awarded to island producers: Arburi Cesari, in Ghisonaccia, Oliu di Petru, in Vescovato, and Lacrima di A Filitosa, in Moca Croce.

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