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No quickies for more of the soft Raamgracht, ‘horny apartment-for sale

AMSTERDAM – “The Sin’s Suite,” which the artist Willemijn de Lint is one of the soft Raamgracht in amsterdam and Haarlem. On the outside it is a little remarkable to be seen, but on the inside, she has worked for many years in one big sexy piece of art, with a nod and a wink’. She rented out the room to couples in love, but it has now come to an end. It is up for sale for three hundred.

“Fascinating, unique, also known as the sexiest and most artistic apartment you of the beach.’ The real estate agent that the house Adopted was to describe almost all of the words are too short. The Dutch Willemijn de Lint, the forty-four square meters, in January 2016. She worked for several months to get there, with the help of good friends, and, ultimately, a creative love nest out of it. With love, before the love. As a reaction to the sound and style of most of the rooms.

Boring hotel rooms

“If you like your boyfriend to surprise you, but it’s a dull room with grey cushions. Or in a rustic farmhouse, with views of the cows. I have found it to be a lot more fun and exciting than it could. You have to be able to experience it,” she said, sitting on the bed. “It’s a driepersoonsbed. I’m all for fitted, and I thought that was funny. At least that’s what everyone secretly wants to be.”

Willemijn de Lint shows that NH is News to her art and a sexy apartment, and see

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They rented out the apartment, and in the Pop-art style, at first night. But it was not, she was not the right choice for you. When she came up for the day only to be let out. For couples who have the love of companies. “People were afraid of it, for example, by the related, or any other creepy types to be used. It was not at all like that. They looked exactly like real estate brokers”, she laughs.

Fixed to go home

But who were the ‘agents’, then?” They’re discreet with it, the privacy of our guests, but it can be a corner of the veil to give it. “There were a lot of couples who secretly came to do it, or those who, because of religious reasons, it’s when you are not able to do so. But in the last few months a lot of couples in which the children sat, and were. Then take them to a sitter, they came up with a couple of hours here, and were restored to home.”

Willemijn de Lint

In the apartment, it was a whole week of rent, and it was so good. “They were all very nice people, and they tended to me quickly, as a friend, as I am secretly informed,” says Willemijn, who is herself a moment later lives. But now, the couples for the time being, to any other location on the search, for the apartment is available for sale.

Should not a church

The church is the lovehotel of Willemijn, for a time, few years, but they are now on the doors. She is, in fact, no authorization for anything, because they aren’t in the building to live in. “I still have to fight for it, but I’m not much of a regeltjesvechter. Despite the fact that I am here for every inch of ken’s, and of course it doesn’t, I’ll go for something new. I’m going to do the same kind of space in my own home. It may be wrong.”

So, that means that they are all sexy and murals, and the huge mosaic on top, the bad, and the glittervloer, the kitchen is equipped with custom designed furniture, the toilet is full of mirrors and all of the exciting and artistic objects, which are in her own hands and made it, and behind it should be. “I just hope that the new owner will not be completely white and started to roll it, but I have nothing more to say about it. This is just the way things are.”

The ad is Adopted, it is already thousands of views. If you think that he or she will have a quick go on the soft Raamgracht, that is, it is no longer possible.

Willemijn de Lint
Willemijn de Lint

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