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“No one involved in that film is happy with the results”

Wesley Snipes is once again making headlines thanks to his participation in ‘Deadpool and Wolverine’. A complete surprise that practically nobody expected, since the truth is that the actor did not get along well with Ryan Reynolds on the set of ‘Blade Trinity’, where he apparently even tried to strangle the director David S. Goyer.

Released in 2004, ‘Blade: Trinity’ was the third film with Snipes bringing to life that peculiar Marvel superhero, but the actor was unhappy throughout. Firstly, with the choice of Goyer, the screenwriter of the three installments, to direct it, which led to He even refused to shoot several scenes, so doubles or digital retouching had to be used in many moments.. Especially famous is a scene where Snipes refused to open his eyes and had to resort to the magic of the computer to achieve it.

A very problematic film

Goyer would acknowledge years later that ‘Blade: Trinity’ It was a horrible experience and that he never spoke to Snipes again since making the film”It was the most personal and professionally difficult and painful thing I have ever been through in my life.“, although he did get along well with Jessica Biel and Ryan Reynolds, as much as his memories of filming are not good at all:

I don’t think anyone involved in that film had a good experience on it, I certainly didn’t. I don’t think anyone involved in that film was happy with the results. It was a very troubled production.

Patton Oswaltwho plays Hedges in ‘Blade Trinity’, commented years later that Snipes had a very unprofessional behavior on the set, spending most of the time smoking marijuana in his trailer and even acting violently towards Goyer after accusing him of racism. In fact, Oswalt recalled this curious anecdote in The AV Club:

And he tried to strangle the director, David Goyer. That night we went out to a strip club and we were all drinking. There was a group of bikers there, so David said to them, ‘I’ll buy all your drinks if you show up on the set tomorrow and pretend to be my security. ‘ Wesley freaked out and went back to his trailer. The next day, Wesley sat down with David and said, ‘I think you need to quit. You’re detrimental to this movie. ‘ David said, ‘Why don’t you quit? We’ve got all your close-ups and we can shoot the rest with your stunt double. ‘ And that freaked Wesley out so much that for the rest of production, he only communicated with the director through post-its. And he signed every note “From Blade.”

Snipes would later deny that he tried to strangle Goyer. -the latter did not want to deny or confirm it, but did say that they used to be friends and no longer are-, pointing out that several members of the team did not like him making certain decisions that he could make as executive producer -a version that clashes with the lawsuit he filed in 2005 against New Line and Goyer for, among other reasons, leaving him out of the decision-making when choosing the cast or the production work-.

However, What the star of ‘Passenger 57’ has never denied is that his relationship with Reynolds was not exactly good. by then, blaming it that he didn’t quite understand his co-star’s sense of humor:

Some of the stuff he did back in the day, it’s not really my humor. I’m not fine-tuned in that sense. So I thought, ‘Well, it’s a little over the top for me.’ But to see him do it in this context in ‘Deadpool and Wolverine’ made a lot of sense. And to see him do it and do it well, Ryan does something that most people can’t do. He’s unique in that sense, and he’s found a fantastic niche for himself doing what he does. Deadpool is Ryan Reynolds all day long. So it was nice. It was nice to work with him.

The relationship with Reynolds

In 2004 things were much less pleasant.as Oswalt revealed that Snipes once referred to Reynolds with the pejorative term crackerreferring to poor white people from rural areas of the American South. It mattered little that Reynolds is actually Canadian.

For its part, Reynolds has always tried to appear quite restrained. about what happened, but during the promotional campaign of the film He went so far as to say the following about his relationship with Snipes:

There’s a moment in the movie where I look at Jessica and I swear to God I didn’t even know the cameras were rolling anymore and I say, ‘He hates me, doesn’t he? ‘ And she goes, ‘Yeah.’ I’m saying this about my relationship as Ryan Reynolds with this guy, and it works.

It is true that just before I had said that the tension had been exaggerated that was on the set, also making the following clarification about his co-star: “My personality is the polar opposite of Wesley. I never met Wesley, I only met Blade, and he is a method actor. Say what you want about that style of acting, I have the utmost respect for whatever it takes to go through this process.“.

Whether it’s just a matter of business or because they’ve really made peace, everything points to the fact that That rivalry that could have existed between them has now come to an end.In fact, Reynolds has even called for a ‘Logan’-style movie to be made to close the story of the version of Blade played by Snipes…

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