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No new report of the prowler who approached the teenagers

The news shocked many parents. In the middle of last week, the gendarmerie of Ille-et-Vilaine had launched a call for witnesses to try to identify a man suspected of having attacked at least two schoolgirls in the communes of Liffré, north-east of Rennes, and Javené, very close to Fougères. A third alert was given in Saint-Germain-du-Pinel, near La Guerche-de-Bretagne, after the attack on another teenager. Less than a week after the broadcast of the call for witnesses, the mysterious prowler is still running. “What is reassuring is that we have not had any new reports”, assures Colonel Sébastien Jaudon.

The gendarmerie had received another report in the town of Nouvoitou, where a motorist allegedly invited two children to board his car as they were leaving public school. “We must not give in to psychosis, but we must remain vigilant. We received many calls after the call for witnesses. We are in the process of analyzing them, making cross-checks. For the time being, we do not know if these four cases are linked, ”continues the boss of the gendarmes of Ille-et-Vilaine.

Teenage girl tied up with duct tape

The testimonies of the two schoolgirls attacked in Liffré and Javené, on the morning of January 5, seem however to lead to the same suspect: a man of about 40-45 years old, of Caucasian type, traveling in a gray car or black. In Liffré, the victim was forced to get into the suspect’s vehicle. She explained to the gendarmes that she had been tied up with adhesive tape, before being released a kilometer away. An hour earlier, another 11-year-old girl had been approached. The man allegedly tried to grab her arm before she fled. “These two facts have many similarities. We can think that it is about the same man , recognizes colonel Jaudon.

Anyone with information to identify this individual is invited to contact the departmental brigade of information and judicial investigations of Rennes at

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