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No new loans needed: Niederbergkirchen has saved

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  2. Mühldorf
  3. Neumarkt-St. Veit region


Getting old. The municipality of Niederbergkirchen is spending 122,950 euros on windows and shading this year. © Josef Enzinger

In terms of budget planning, the municipality of Niederbergkirchen is showing itself to be solid. No new loans need to be taken out. The municipality can now afford these planned investments.

Niederbergkirchen – 4.95 million euros – that’s how thick the budget package of the municipality of Niederbergkirchen is, with which the municipality wants to shoulder the financial burden for the year 2024. The administrative budget provides for income and expenditure of 2.69 million euros, which represents a reduction of around 5,750 euros compared to the previous year’s result. The capital budget shows an increase of almost 687,500 euros compared to the previous year’s result, at 2.26 million euros.

Treasurer expects “positive result”

“The municipality is expected to achieve a positive result in the assessment of its long-term performance in the current financial year and in the financial planning years,” said Wagenbauer, the office manager, in his preliminary report. In this case, performance means that the municipality can make all of its investments without having to take out new loans.

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This is due to the astonishingly high reserves that the municipality has. At the beginning of the financial year, Wagenbauer mentioned an amount of around 3.45 million euros. The municipality is planning to withdraw 1.95 million euros for investments, but there would still be a cushion of almost 1.5 million euros at the end of the year.

Almost 200,000 euros more district levy

The very high trade tax revenues in 2022 will have an impact on the tax base in 2024, in particular the minimum transfer, the district levy and the key allocations from the state, explained secretary Georg Wagenbauer in detail. Expressed in figures: the district levy will increase from 707,000 to 899,500 euros compared to the previous year. In contrast, income tax revenue will increase from 837,514 to 873,000 euros. The trade tax will remain almost unchanged at 553,600 euros (2023: 558,844 euros). The key allocation will decrease from 438,524 euros last year to 321,050 euros in 2024.

Loan is repaid properly

A loan that still exists as a repayment agreement was reduced to 135,000 euros with an annual payment of 22,500 euros. Mayor Werner Biedermann explained that due to the term of 20 to 30 years, only the above-mentioned amount could be paid off annually, even if the financial strength allowed for more.

The municipality is investing a lot of money to support the fire service with vehicles. 690,000 euros have been budgeted for the purchase of vehicles.The municipality is investing a lot of money to support the fire service with vehicles. 690,000 euros have been budgeted for the purchase of vehicles. © Verena Klinger

Almost everything in the municipality’s staffing plan remains the same. There is just one change among the collectively agreed employees. The municipality of Niederbergkirchen now employs one more construction yard employee.

High investments in the fire service

To protect the community and its citizens, the local council is planning significant investments in the areas of public safety and fire protection. Pagers were already purchased for the members of the volunteer fire brigade in 2023 and the next step is to convert the sirens to digital radio BOS – since a uniform alarm solution is to be implemented in Germany, especially since the devastating flood disaster of 2021. These updates are scheduled to take place until 2025. There will also be new vehicles worth around 700,000 euros for the brave firefighters and of course the fire brigade will also be involved.

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The fire station is to be renovated in terms of disaster protection. As Mayor Werner Biedermann explained, an additional emergency generator must be purchased in addition to the one installed in the fire engine. The reason for this is that it is to be used in a so-called “lighthouse”. “Lighthouses” are locations that serve as a source of electricity for citizens in the event of a complete power failure, for which the fire station will probably be chosen.

Water pressure remains problematic – community reacts

In the area of ​​commercial enterprises and special funds, the local council is now taking on a challenge that has been known for some time. The sometimes problematic drop in water pressure in the municipality’s pipe network is to be examined in order to find a sensible solution. The local council is estimating around 60,000 euros for improving the pressure conditions in the pipe network. Very good news can be found in the area of ​​public facilities and economic development, as the planned broadband expansion will most likely be 100 percent funded.

Auer criticizes high costs for the gym

The local council member Thomas Auer found the planned painting work on the gymnasium, at around 40,000 euros, a little expensive. However, Mayor Werner Biedermann was able to allay his concerns and explained that it was better to set a larger approved space than too small. Georg Wagenbauer added that they would have to wait for offers first anyway.

Debts continue to decline

At the beginning of the financial year, the debt amounted to 157,500 euros. Taking into account the scheduled repayment of 22,500 euros, the debt will fall to around 135,000 euros by the end of the financial year.

However, unity prevailed in the vote: the municipal council unanimously approved the budget and statutes. The financial planning up to 2027 also received unconditional approval.

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