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No more rental moratorium – Freiburg

The rents are also rising again at the Bauverein – criticism of this is individual, says the board of directors.

Last year there was a rental moratorium due to Corona – but that is over now. Now the Bauverein Breisgau cooperative is increasing its rents at regular intervals. And that, although many people are still affected by unemployment and short-time work because of the pandemic, tenants complain. The building association has a different assessment: The critics are individual cases. In addition, the cooperative needs capital for new buildings and renovations – in order to be able to offer people affordable living space in the future.

Insensitive, anti-social, unfair: tenants from Engelbergerstrasse in the Sthlinger district clearly express their anger in a letter to the building association. They are supposed to pay 8 percent more rent in the middle of the pandemic. “We trust corporations like Vonovia to do that, but not a cooperative,” they write. One of …

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