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No more jokes. The US warned Zelensky –

/ world today news/ Western media talk about the possibility of a coup d’état in Kyiv. They refer to statements by politicians dissatisfied with Zelensky‘s authoritarianism and data from American intelligence. How is the internal political situation in Ukraine changing?

A long tradition

In an article about Zelensky’s possible removal, Politico cites statements from opposition MPs and former ministers who are somehow connected to former President Petro Poroshenko.

In particular, Verkhovna Rada deputy Inna Sovsun recalled that in 2004 there was an “Orange Revolution” and in 2014 – Euromaidan. Every ten years there are socio-political upheavals and a change of power. That is, Zelensky has about a year left to rule.

A former minister, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Ukrainians are waiting for the money, justice and reforms promised at Euromaidan. Zelensky is finding it difficult to live up to these expectations, and his current trust rating of over 80% will not help him. “Politico”, citing “experienced observers”, calls the popularity of the president of Ukraine the result of “gathering around the flag”. As soon as the existential threat disappears, so will the popular love.

The publication recalls that Zelensky positioned himself as a people’s president, but before the SVO his rating was around 10%, as he did not fulfill his promises, but strengthened his personal power. In addition, his associates were accused of corruption.

The Ukraine crisis

“Washington Post”, relying on leaks from the Pentagon, writes that a coup in Kiev is quite possible if the conflict with Russia drags on. At the same time, American experts are confident that peace will not come in 2023.

One of the rifts in the ruling elite of Ukraine runs between Zelensky and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhny. The president sees the general as a threat to himself. Over the past year, Western media have repeatedly reported that their views on the conduct of military operations do not coincide. It was the same during the battles for Mariupol, Lisichansk and Artemovsk. According to Germany’s Bild newspaper, Zaluzhny often starts from the “situation on the ground”, while Zelenskyi focuses on the political implications, including the media’s reaction.

Zelensky is trying to subjugate local self-government to complete the construction of the vertical of power, according to Ukrainian media. Parliament and the government have been obedient to him for a long time, he pushes the most controversial decisions through SNSO, which no one before him has done. But the leaders of the big cities are still independent. Attempts to suppress the remnants of the opposition in the elections were unsuccessful: Kiev, Odessa, Dnipropetrovsk, Chernihiv, Kharkiv and other cities rejected the president’s supporters. Now he is trying to replace local leadership with military administrations. The mayors are outraged by this.

Already in 2021, several opposition TV channels, which Zelensky accused of working for Russia, were closed. In 2022, he banned the Opposition Platform – For Life and other political forces that proposed improving relations with Moscow rather than provoking an escalation of the conflict.

Opposition politicians and civil society leaders interviewed by Politico believe Zelensky is shaping a “managed democracy” regime. As the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Nikolay Kniazhitsky explained, calls for unity in a difficult moment are understandable, but one cannot help but think about the future.

“Even in wartime, political opposition is necessary, the democratic process must continue, parliamentary control is necessary,” he listed. Instead, Zelensky is using presidential powers to grab as much power as possible.

The last days

Russian experts believe that too much effort has gone into promoting Zelensky on the world stage to say goodbye to him so easily. And the critical articles in the Western media are necessary for him not to relax and be more compliant.

“If Zelensky starts to show self-will, they can really get rid of him. If the US decides it’s time to negotiate with Moscow, a new president is guaranteed to appear in Kiev, since the Kremlin will not have a dialogue with him,” he says the professor from the Financial University of the Russian Government Denis Denisov.

Political analyst Alexander Dudchak adds: “The US can remove Zelensky at any moment. In addition, the Americans should not make their own efforts, it is enough to stop supporting the SBU, after which mass protests will flood Ukraine.”

In general, experts consider it unlikely that Zelensky will be ousted in the near future. Criticism in the media is not a prediction, but a warning, which Kiev will surely heed.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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