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“No more government loans for Belarus”: Norbert Röttgen calls for further EU and German policy measures after the aircraft hijacking

Clear words from Norbert Röttgen (CDU): It can be assumed “that the state hijacking of the plane was approved by the Kremlin, if there was not even operational support from Russia.” Member of the editorial board Claudia Kramer-Santel.

The EU has adopted far-reaching measures against Belarus. Are these enough?

Röttgen: The EU acted quickly. It is important and a good sign that measures were taken just one day after Lukashenko’s regime hijacked the civilian plane. But it can’t stop there. The regime has committed serious crimes with far-reaching consequences for civil aviation. The journalist Roman Protasevich was arrested. It is now time to impose severe sanctions on Lukashenko’s entire apparatus of power. Above all, the state-owned companies, on which the regime and its corrupt profiteers live economically, must be targeted. After such an escalation, there can be no more state loans in favor of Belarus. The KfW loan for the Siemens power plants in Belarus must now be stopped.

How must the EU proceed with Russia? Caution or “clear edge”?

Röttgen: We do not yet know what role Russia played. It is clear, however, that Vladimir Putin has Lukashenko completely in his hands. Without Putin’s comprehensive support, Lukashenko would not have been in power for a long time. It can therefore at least be assumed that the state hijacking of the plane was approved by the Kremlin, if there was not even operational support from Russia. To believe in such a situation that Moscow would be interested in a dialogue or that it would lead to something is simply naive.

Do you think there is any way to “bring about” a dictator like Lukashenko?

Röttgen: It has had nothing to do with reason for a long time. The decisive factor is Russia. As long as Putin keeps his protective hand over dictators and tyrants like Lukashenko or Assad and defends them with military force if necessary, European foreign policy has its limits. We will not send soldiers to Minsk. It is all the more important that we use all other means to keep the Belarusian people’s struggle for freedom alive and to weaken Lukashenko’s regime from within.

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