Alexander Heinz and Heike Werder complain about the lack of city assistance for the adventure world at the Blue Lake.
Foto: Achim Blazy (abz)
Ratingen The adventure world at the Blue Lake looks at Corona funding pots and perspectives for an opening in the tube. It is neither a playground nor a restaurant. There was also no money from the city of Ratingen.
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Hniez egrrät sich clgihe rfeamh.ch „ieD ikitolP htrscpi rmmei vonad, Kenird – ndu zieslple dei itMorko – uz fröednr. Wri zsente esit aJehnr auf nngseBgwbeu.egaeto tiM dma1 r0uQ00etarnte.0 nbeha irw tzlaP engg, u dimta sihc eucehsrB uas med geW gheen nnk.neö dnU dei Msnhenec lneaht cish eengr fs snree rua. okHtgpeenneyiz afu. nuArfgdu rde ecounatognoCrvn-Surhzrd smuste asd ebgotAn rahsdcist dirtureez ewrdn.e ucAh heir bneebil Velie nerFga noe.ff Heinz has Vsrntsdneäi üfdr, and SSDA udQa frnhea IMT elgenneeih mlenHe cihnt römetighlc endwre n, ntkoe aurwm ERAB a yBbcobar rnu amniel cthlgiä izrfditinese nrwdee sm, su nie Sroeotc rbae cnha rjede gtuzNun tbleib ihm ien .Reläts
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