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No mask and ultra-right return to the square. “Slap the Victims”

«We are the people»: the opening banner of the “No mask” gathering scheduled for today from 4 to 8 pm at the Bocca della Verità is ready. The last details of the denial day which, in the hopes of the organizers, should attract about 5 thousand people, were developed in the Roman headquarters of Forza Nuova in via Taranto, in San Giovanni. There are the secretary Roberto Fiore, the deputy secretary Giuliano Castellino, the former national avant-garde Vincenzo Nardulli at the head of the people who will be in the streets today to “fight the health dictatorship, the fake news of Covid”.


The four hours will unite a heterogeneous people, from the “fascists” of Forza Nuova to the former pitchforks, together with the orange Vests (but there will be no Pappalardo), the No vax, the No 5g, the followers of QAnon, The people of mothers, with «Nonna Maura» Granelli, the Liguria manager of “Let’s save children from the health dictatorship”. The acronym corresponds to one of the recurring slogans in Forzano’s propaganda since last April. In short, the first Italian “No mask” appointment after the German and Swiss protests holds together a magma of souls who do not disdain the slogans of the far right. There will be the former 5s, like the deputy Sara Cunial, the regional councilor Davide Barillari (“I will not go under the banner of Forza Nuova” he told Republic), the anti-Bergoglio archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the singer Povia, the philosopher of Vox Diego Fusaro, ok to protest also from Vittorio Sgarbi.

“These people should be ashamed – cuts short the deputy secretary of the Pd Lazio Enzo Foschi – goes to the streets against the weakest, the elderly, the people most at risk. There is no joke or politics about people’s life or death. This demonstration is an offense to those who fight the virus on the front line every day ». The national vice president of the Anpi Ginafranco Pagliarulo dubbed the meeting as “grotesque and disgusting”. The group leader dem to the municipality I Sara Lilli, recalling the clashes of 6 June at the Circus Maximus, hopes that “that every form of outrage to the rules will be blocked and prohibited”. This will be the purpose of the filming of the forensic police.

Yesterday the bulletin spoke of 171 infections in Lazio of which 106 in Rome and zero deaths. The Lazio Region Health Councilor Alessio D’Amato announced that the virologist Andrea Crisanti will be the Region’s consultant for the rapid test plan. “The data of the ministry confirm a low risk in Lazio – says D’Amato – now we go ahead with a million quick tests to restart safely”.

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