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No Man’s Sky Free Updates Spark Discomfort Among Players: Is It Time for Developers to Rest?

No Man’s Sky has come a long way from a disastrous launch to the point where free updates are causing players some discomfort

No Man’s Sky version 1.0 received a huge amount of negative reviews. The game was very different from what many expected after watching the trailers.

However, Hello Games did not give up and began to actively correct No Man’s Sky. Over the years, the game has received many updates, which are often very popular with players. At the same time, the development of the project was carried out “for free” – those interested are offered to simply buy a copy of the game. This game does not have any rich list of premium additional content, which is practiced by some publishers.

One of the members of the No Man’s Sky community under the nickname Toshi_TNE expressed the opinion that it’s time for the developers to rest:

“Sean [Мюррей — босс Hello Games]please stop, you can rest now your game is good we forgave you 10 updates ago.”

JustSlippingTea thinks that the authors of No Man’s Sky could add microtransactions in some form so that players can further financially support the project.

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