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No longer update drivers through Microsoft updates

The end of Windows 7 support has left users of this system without access to updates and new features. Even with this Microsoft situation, users insist on keeping this system active and being used.

Microsoft now seems bent on putting this system closer to its end. The software giant has decided that users will no longer be able to update drivers through system updates and will have to resort to other ways.


Same with the end that it had in January of last year, Windows 7 has not stopped being used intensively. Loyal users kept this installed version in use, ensuring that the monthly numbers slowed down at a very slow pace.

The end of support has also brought the end of updates, although some have been granted to companies willing to pay for this added security guarantee. Not being accessible to everyone, it ended up limiting the use of Windows 7.

One thing that hasn't been stopped was the release of driver updates, which kept coming through the updates. Manufacturers have maintained this way of keeping their hardware up to date with the latest and most tuned software.

Windows 7 Microsoft drivers update

Because, even this capability now appears to be being removed from Windows 7. Microsoft has now decided to discontinue this update capability, due to an issue. With the end of the SHA-1 Trusted Root Certificate Authority, it is no longer possible to maintain these updates.

The alternative would be to use the SHA-2 certificate, which Windows 7 does not support. When downloading and installing an incompatible driver on your PC, it would no longer start up and function properly. This issue affects not only Windows 7, but also extends to Windows Server 2008.

With this change, however forced, Microsoft follow the path of other companies like NVIDIA. The graphics card giant, and other areas, recently decided to abandon the older systems and thus lead users to upgrade their machines.


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