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“No longer credible” – The New South Tyrolean Daily Newspaper

Tony Tschenett

Tony Tschenett railed against the earlier curfew, just so that the companies would get contributions: “Those who pay extra are the workers.” And what the ASGB boss says about a new lockdown, winter tourism and increasing poverty.

Daily newspaper: Mr. Tschenett, the state government is now changing the rules for bars and restaurants so that the companies receive the state contributions. The employees, on the other hand, only have the measly pay compensation …

Tony Tschenett: First the state government decides on an autonomous regulation and the HGV cheers – and after the state approves a decree with support measures two days later, they prefer to take the money from the state. Money rules the world: this is once again the best example. And whoever pays more are the workers. They don’t get any of the money. Instead of sending them to the wage compensation, the bar and restaurant operators should pass on a large part of the contributions to the workers. At first you insist on the state law and then you prefer to take the money. It’s just no longer believable. I am now also curious what will happen to the wine taverns.

In what way?

As far as I know, they do not fall under state regulations. If the farmers’ union then sounds the alarm about lost sales, the student will surely say that this will be regulated by the state law. I grant everyone it, but one should finally be honest and stand by the state law. Otherwise you should have applied the national regulations on Monday – on the grounds that the number of infections is increasing sharply and the medical services are no longer able to cope. That would be honest – and not the justification with the contributions. The fact is that most of the employees in the hospitals are physically and mentally exhausted. Every day we see increasing numbers and more patients, including deaths again. I am completely disappointed. At curfew you can see the lobbies screaming and the workers paying extra. These are sent to the wage compensation, which is less important and will probably only be paid out after a few months.

Germany and France go much further, bars and restaurants have to close completely. Don’t we need a new lockdown?

Above all, that should be decided by the experts. Doctors have also given advice in Germany and France. When the medical services are about to collapse, a slight lockdown will be the only way forward. In the spring there was already a difficult situation in the hospitals and old people’s homes. Now it starts again – and already in October. Soon the staff just can’t do it anymore. The demands must come from the medical service. I am convinced that something will happen in Italy.

Does it make sense then to work towards winter tourism by all means? Or should you just tick off the season?

One should continue to guarantee work and education. These are the two most important areas. The face-to-face lessons as well as the day care center and kindergarten have to be maintained, otherwise the parents will no longer make it. In addition, there would be a lack of employees in the companies. It’s up to all of us to obey the rules. Three weeks ago it was said that everything was under control. But now nothing is under control anymore. You can also see it in the tests: In June it was said that you were able to do between 2,500 and over 5,000 tests a day. Where are those 5,000 tests? In addition, you only test those with symptoms. You really had time to prepare, but now certain things just don’t work.

So what about winter tourism?

You have to see how the situation develops. The most important thing is that the hospitals can work. Then work and education should be maintained. If everyone obeys the rules, the situation will certainly improve in a month – then there can also be a certain winter tourism. The thing with the bars and restaurants is now annoying. One thing is true, once the other. If there is money, state law applies. The employees have nothing from the state aid decree. Wage compensation and the ban on dismissals have been extended, but our employees do not get the 1,000 euros for seasonal employees.

Don’t they

No, because they are unemployed. So they don’t get the 1,000 euros. The good thing is that unemployment lasts for a longer period and you also receive pension contributions. But there is a problem: Anyone who comes out of a four-month season will receive unemployment benefits for a maximum of two to two and a half months. This needs to be improved.

Seasonal workers, temporary workers and other precarious workers have been among the losers from the crisis. And the aid money is very limited in relation to the high cost of living in South Tyrol. Do you fear a wave of poverty?

Poverty has already risen. The country should therefore reopen the Covid emergency aid, the Covid rent subsidy and the contribution for ancillary housing costs. Now there is Covid child benefit, but there were a lot of rejections for citizens who were in wage compensation. Also because the districts do not proceed uniformly: some applicants get the money, others don’t, even if the situations are de facto the same. Anyone who was in wage compensation and had a loss should receive 400 euros. We will appeal to all rejections. And the other subsidies should be reopened because they are necessary again.

A lot has to be saved in the state budget. Are you concerned that this will be at the expense of the workers and less at the expense of the economy?

We had a meeting with the governor. Accordingly, savings should not be made in the social area. One has to think about the active personnel policy: The layoff freeze will soon be over – then employees will certainly be laid off. Training and retraining should begin today in order to reintegrate those affected into the world of work. That has to be financed. The LH agreed that we were right, it was a good conversation. There will be certain layoffs – that’s for sure.

Interview: Heinrich Schwarz

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