There will be no advertised large-scale PvE mode in Overwatch 2. Blizzard really upset the fan community
The Overwatch 2 community was saddened by the news that a full-fledged PvE mode with pumping was canceled. Now some players are wondering why Overwatch 2 was needed then.
Overwatch 2 players have begun revisiting old Blizzard statements and various company notes. One of them attracted Special attention because of an interesting coincidence.
In the photo, a Blizzard T-shirt, where letters were successfully highlighted in pink in the company logo L I A Rgot the word LIAR – liar.
Some thought it was a joke. However, this photo is really find on Blizzard websiteMay 16 post.
This is how Overwatch 2 was advertised in 2019.