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No institutions have made a recommendation to withdraw the AstraZeneca vaccine

Michał Dworczyk, head of the Law Firm Premiere and proxy rz±du The vaccine officer on Saturday answered questions about the pandemic situation in the country on air Polsat News. The politician admitted that Saturday’s Medical Council was devoted to the increase in observed coronavirus infections in the last days. Dworczyk announced that the current situation was “a major challenge for the health service.” The head of the KRPM explained that the temporary hospitals that are being launched constitute “safety buffer“.

The situation is difficult, there are more and more sick people, including those who require hospitalization

– announced Michał Dworczyk in Polsat News.

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AstraZeneca vaccines

Michał Dworczyk stated that some countries have stopped vaccination with AstraZeneca. The politician explained that, similarly to Poland, research on the relationship between the preparation and severe post-vaccination reactions is underway there.

– Research is ongoing, which as per for now indicate no association of these serious adverse reactions when administered to patients vaccines. There are absolutely no such recommendations. Doctors say with one voice that you need to get vaccinated, use the AstraZeneca vaccine – added the politician. – This vaccine protects against severe disease, it also has good indicators when it comes to protection against disease in general – said Michał Dworczyk. The coordinator of the National Immunization Program noted that many people are concerned about the vaccine news, but that there is no “substantial decline in interest in vaccinations” yet.

No European, global or Polish institutions dealing with drug safety have issued a recommendation to withdraw the AstraZeneca vaccine

– announced Michał Dworczyk.

A large supply of vaccines to Poland

Michał Dworczyk announced that “there have been declarations regarding the transport of large amounts of vaccines to Poland”. If predictions are confirmed, there is a possibility of accelerating the vaccination program. – In the second quarter there will be a very large acceleration of vaccine deliveries, and the third quarter should not be any more absolutely no problems with the availability of vaccines from all companies – declared the politician.

– These are largely vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna. Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki In recent days, he has talked several times with the President, Ursula von Der Leyen, and we have received promises that additional vaccines will appear in Poland. For the second quarter, Pfizer / BioNTech also sent us promising vaccine volumes, said the coordinator of the National Immunization Program. As he explained, there are currently no serious offers for purchasing vaccines from outside the European Union. The politician admitted that the key issue is the possible date of delivery of the preparation to Poland.

Dworczyk was also asked what he thinks about the coronavirus antibody tests that will be available in some stores. – I can repeat the opinion of doctors, although such a test shows whether someone has antibodies, but does not show their amount – said Dworczyk. – The test does not indicate whether a person has immunity due to the antibodies he has or not – concluded the politician.

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