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No firm conclusions after a month of research in nursing homes

The research focuses mainly on whether the high number of infections is due to the virus being transmitted by pre- or asymptomatic persons. In other words, people who had no complaints at all or who had no complaints yet. This could mean that employees and residents accidentally brought the virus into the nursing home.

The researchers do not yet have enough data on this. They write that in the three nursing homes that participated in the study, too few residents were infected to come to firm conclusions. This is because relatively few new positive residents and employees were found during the research period from 4 to 17 May. There were contamination cases in the three locations investigated, but these did not lead to major outbreaks.

Several factors play a role in this. “We think that’s because our research took place after mid-April, when that was the tipping point,” says Hertogh.

On April 13, the distribution key for personal protective equipment was adjusted and nursing homes received high-quality mouth masks, among other things. Industry organizations have often unsuccessfully asked for more protective equipment for this. Care providers from nursing homes could only be tested from 6 April. This was previously possible for healthcare staff in hospitals.

Limited knowledge

The limited knowledge about the virus has also played a role in its spread, according to Hertogh. “In the initial phase we were mainly focused on typical complaints: fever, cough, shortness of breath. It gradually became clear that the infection can also manifest itself with atypical complaints. In the elderly, for example, with confusion and extreme fatigue.” He also refers to the isolation and quarantine policy in nursing homes. “We now know much better how to do that best.”

Because it is still not clear whether and how pre- and asymptomatic infections play a role in the spread, the research has been further expanded to a fourth nursing home where many infections are present.

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