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No distance possible: Breisacher doctor shows Deutsche Bahn – southwest

A Breisach doctor has filed criminal charges against Deutsche Bahn. He was “crammed” on a bus with 50 other commuters. His accusation: endangerment of public health.

Doctor Martin Deufel has been commuting from Breisach to Freiburg for more than 20 years. The gynecologist has his practice there. But after a ride on the Breisgau S-Bahn on April 1, he decided to file a complaint against the train. Martin Deufel describes in the ad the journey from Breisach to Freiburg on April 1: Due to incorrect announcements on the platform, 50 commuters had missed the train and were then “crammed” into a bus – without protective masks and “regardless of the risk of mutual infection “.

About 50 passengers were on the bus

The doctor describes that on Wednesday morning he wanted to go to Freiburg with about 50 other commuters, including many people who would work in medical professions, for example at the university hospital. A train was already waiting at platform two at Breisach station, Deufel said. However, an announcement should have sounded three times that passengers should not board the train. The train to Freiburg would run on platform one today, the repeated announcement is said to have been.

But then the empty train left track two in the direction of Freiburg and left the 50 commuters “stumped and horrified” at the station, says Deufel. Thereupon the passengers were asked to board a bus to Bad Krozingen and to take the next train to Freiburg. The arrival was therefore postponed by 45 minutes, said Deufel. The 50 passengers were now “squeezed in a narrow bus and can infect each other. That’s why my criminal complaint about public health is at risk.”

The public prosecutor is reviewing the process

The Freiburg public prosecutor confirms that the complaint has been received. “The process is being checked,” it says. The train does not respond directly to the incident on request. She points out that this has now been readjusted for the timetable, especially for commuters.

Is a lawsuit the right way? “I think you have to do something,” says Deufel when asked. His letter also went to the Home Office and the Department of Transportation. The fact that there are more trains in the morning and in the evening is a sign for Deufel that you can definitely make a difference on the train. In addition, many passengers and colleagues had agreed to announce the incident. You would be concerned about the risk of infection on the train.

Doctor accuses Bahn of negligence

Deufel writes that many doctors, nurses and nurses have already died in Italy. “With my ad, I want to ensure that this fate does not happen to us (…) due to an infection, unprotected accumulation in rail replacement services and canceled train connections,” Deufel writes.

He speaks of a large “organizational fault, which runs counter to the order of the state of Baden-Württemberg with the ban on contact”. Especially employees in systemically relevant professions would be forced to expose themselves to the risk of infection in a confined space. “I would like to bring this organizational fault to the criminal complaint yesterday,” said Deufel.

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