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No, dear Facebook users, we cannot make the article free

Osterode. Mark Härtl from the Harz Kurier explains in his column why we can no longer do without online subscriptions and does not mince his words.

Everything was better in the past? I don’t believe that. Newspapers but it was relatively easy to manage successfully, I can well imagine that (sorry, dear old colleagues). Those was a natural part of the monthly family expenses, the newspaper was on the breakfast table every morning, the reader was apparently frugal and accepted almost every content without a problem – after all, he had already paid for it. That was the picture in my head.

Today, the media world is different. Printauflage has been in a nosedive for decades, that is no secret. More and more people are consuming news digital and especially on mobile phones, want to use various Channels The Harz Kurier also has to adapt to this – and does so.

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Editors today should, for example, be able to make their articles easy to understand for the potential reader with snappy and intriguing headlines (without Clickbait Because we as a local newspaper have to use the limited time and Attention our customers – with other media, social media, even streaming services like Netflix.

I find it understandable that a family today would think twice about whether to spend 6.90 euros a month on news from the Harz Kurier or whether to spend a few euros more on watching Prime or Disney+ for a month. Preisinflation and a Crisis after another are also gnawing at my well-being. That is why we are now trying to not only provide hard news, but also more explanations, Serviceto offer orientation in everyday life and personal, emotional stories.

Without an online subscription, no Harz Kurier and no more content

What I can no longer hear are the Discussions on social media. The arguments have been around since 2015, when we launched our first Paywall (which I also found too expensive), always the same: “I would have read this article if it were free” is the kindest way of putting it. I will say it clearly: without digital transformation, without Online-Abos The Harz Kurier will no longer exist in the not too distant future. And then the content that many would like to read for free will no longer be available.

That the Industry The fact that the company first missed the opportunity to jump off the market and then overreacted, and is still fishing in murky waters today, annoys me too, but can easily be criticized in retrospect. My constructive, not entirely selfless, but convinced request to our Facebook fans is therefore: Give today’s Harz Courier a chance – the first month costs only 99 cents.

More current news from the Osterode, Harz and Göttingen region:

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