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No confirmed corona infections in Hoorn yet, but more …

No coronavirus infections have been detected in Hoorn for the time being. Several people are being investigated. The GGD Hollands Noorden confirms this.

,, The RIVM publishes an update every day at 1 pm with new infections. If your place is not listed there, then you can assume that no infection has yet been detected, “says GGD spokesperson Anneke van Doorn. “The GGD itself makes no statements about possible infections.”

To find out if someone has corona, cheek mucus is taken. A laboratory investigates this and passes on the results to the GGD, which reports infections to the RIVM. Van Doorn: “The lab is very busy, so the results do come in with a slight delay.”

On Monday, two students from the Bernardus van Bockxmeerschool in Hoorn were sent home due to a possible infection. That had happened as a precaution, because family members had symptoms of illness after they had been to an area where the virus had previously broken out.

Read also: GGD investigates Hoornaars for possible corona infection

Home quarantine

On Tuesday there was also a report from another Penta school, namely Het Kompas. A family that recently visited northern Italy has been placed in home quarantine. This is also a precautionary measure.

Gea Koops, director of the Penta foundation, says he has short lines with the GGD, the RIVM and the boards of the Penta schools (who inform the parents of students). ,, If we suspect an infection, we will contact the health organizations immediately. We strictly follow their protocol to prevent infections. And with every development, there is renewed consultation with care. ” The parents are regularly informed. She emphasizes that there is currently no reason to close the schools.

“I also informed all partner organizations in education and childcare within Hoorn. We hope that this is sufficient and that it is not all that bad. ”

On the RIVM website it is stated that children almost never get complaints from the new corona virus. “They do not form a special risk group”.

Read all the questions and answers about the new corona virus COVID-19 here.

Elderly care

Healthcare organization Omring has announced that it is keeping a close eye on developments regarding the corona virus. “We get questions from our residents and patients about the virus, mainly about what it means and what we do about it,” says spokesperson Job Leeuwerke. “That is why we have posted a message on our website.”

He explains that hygiene has always been very important at Omring, but now even more so. “We also follow the guidelines of the RIVM.”

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