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No check for corona pass when a third visits restaurants and cafes

Of all visits to the catering industry, cinemas, concert halls and other venues, more than a third (35 percent) are not checked for the corona admission ticket. That appears from research by I&O Research commissioned by the NOS among a representative group of almost 2300 adult Dutch people.

The differences are large: when visiting cinemas, theatres, concert halls, business events and stadiums, almost everyone is asked to show a vaccination certificate, test certificate or recovery certificate. This concerns 82 percent of the visits or more.

In canteens in amateur sports, checks are usually not carried out (in 36 percent of the cases). Restaurants and cafes – the most frequented places – are approximately at the general average of 65 percent with 63 and 68 percent checks respectively.

‘This does not give a safe feeling’

When asked about the concrete experiences of visitors, it is striking that some complain that when checking is done, it is often not done too precisely and consistently. “No ID is requested,” someone says. Another says: “One time I wasn’t checked, the next time I wasn’t really checked. It was just a cursory glance at the screen. I don’t care safe feeling.”

Robèr Willemsen, chairman of Koninklijke Horeca Nederland, points out that most cases go well. He also only hears positive noises from municipalities and boas. “But apparently visitors experience it differently.”

Willemsen can imagine that catering entrepreneurs do not check in all cases. “If it’s busy in your business and someone has to go to the toilet, I understand that you don’t check.”

Diverting to locations where there are no checks

People are now used to using the corona pass and the users are mostly positive about it, says I&O researcher Peter Kanne. “But then it actually has to be watertight. Otherwise they experience it as a false sense of security.”

More than half (54 percent) of the people who do not have a ‘fixed’ QR code (due to vaccination or recovery) say that they no longer visit places at all at the moment. One in five (21 percent) move to locations they know are not being checked. Just under 10 percent have themselves tested in advance and 2 percent say they use a QR code from someone else.

QR code divisive

Outgoing Minister De Jonge announced yesterday that the corona pass will remain necessary for a while. Research shows again that this measure, introduced at the end of September, is very divisive in the Netherlands, especially those of vaccinated and non-vaccinated people.

When asked whether people think it is right that you are only allowed to enter a restaurant or cafe after showing a corona ticket, 69 percent of the first group said ‘yes’. While only 5 percent of the unvaccinated think so. When unvaccinated people are asked about the reasons for not having a shot, 36 percent mention, among other things, “protest against the vaccination ticket”.

In addition, I&O Research observes a large difference in income. Of the people with a minimum income, 36 percent renounce the corona pass. For the higher incomes this is 4 to 5 percent.

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