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no chance that a DLC or a multiplayer mode will see the light of day

The story ends here

Asked about possible DLC for The Last of Us Part II, Neil Druckmann quickly decides: no additional content is planned for the game; the story the studio wanted to tell ends with the scrolling of the credits.

An announcement that may surprise, especially since Naughty Dog is not the last studio to practice additional content. The Last of Us first of the name had for example been entitled Left Behind, a small extension of two to three hours of the main adventure. Recently, Uncharted 4 had also benefited from a spin-of in the subject of Uncharted: Lost Legacy, honoring the character of Chloé.

But Neil Druckmann and his teams take care not to reveal if their last card comes to put an end to the story of Ellie and Joël. Often asked about the possibility of a The Last of Us trilogy, the man remains mischievously evasive. To the point of never sweeping away the hypothesis.

Where is The Last of Us Part II multiplayer?

We have known since last September that The Last of Us Part II will skip a multiplayer mode, unlike its predecessor. A choice justifiable by the immensity of the task to be accomplished by Naughty Dog, for this game which has become the biggest project in its history.

But again, Neil Druckmann was facetious in front of the host of the podcast where he was the guest. Asked about the mode online of TLOU 2, the vice-president of the studio simply replied “I remember we used to play multiplayer games in the past…», Before” zipping “his lips, as if to mean that he will say no more.

Because giving up the multiplayer mode – dubbed Factions in the first installment – of TLOU was not easy for the teams. In reality, Naughty Dog has obviously worked on a new version of Factions, but it would not have found its place in The Last of Us Part II.

Also Druckmann promises that the players “will eventually discover the fruit of our team’s online ambitions; but not as an experience attached to The Last of Us Part II. When and where this will happen remains to be determined. But rest assured that we are big fans of Factions, like the rest of our community, and we’re excited to share more [à ce sujet] when it’s ready” Case to follow?

Via : Forbes

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