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No cases of Covid and dengue in the Pediatric Hospital – El Sol de Mazatlán

Mazatlán, Sin.- Until now the Sinaloa Children’s Hospital has not received infants that have been diagnosed con Covid-19 o dengue.

He director of the hospital, Carlos Suarez Arredondomentioned that they have been effective las campaigns of containment of the type of diseasesso the child population remains in zerosat least in this one health institution.

You can also read: Pediatric Hospital calls for protection of children during vaccination campaign

Fortunately, we have not had any cases of Covid so far this year at the Pediatric Hospital, nor have we had cases of dengue. I believe that the containment campaign has been good, but we are always continuing to work. I have mentioned this to the Secretary of Health, who is redoubling efforts to contain this type of case. Speaking at least of the pediatric population, we remain at zero.”said.


He doctor He mentioned that they have not presented themselves either heat strokesbut there are some cases of dehydration mild, which are treated in Emergencies con hydration in a way oral and they are sent to rest at home; of these have been presented two or three a month.

However, he indicated that with the back to school and the physical and recreational activities can be presented a repunte in the dehydration pictures.

An increase can be expected due to recreational physical activities during school activities, but we were also going to start to see an increase in respiratory diseases, as all the children live together and it is more likely that they will contract some respiratory viral disease and that is not something to get excited about either, but they will be seen more frequently.“, he added.

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