Home » today » News » “No case has been notified in Niger (…) but a support system has been put in place at international airports,” said Minister Idi Illiassou Mainassara – Le Sahel

“No case has been notified in Niger (…) but a support system has been put in place at international airports,” said Minister Idi Illiassou Mainassara – Le Sahel

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The Minister of Public Health, Mr. Idi Illiassou Maïnassara and the Representative of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr Anya Blanche Philomène Melanga jointly organized, yesterday morning, a press conference on the epidemic of the new coronavirus responsible for acute respiratory infections, appeared in China. Both parties are concerned with informing the public about the dangers of the disease and the measures taken by the state and its partners to protect the population.

“No cases have been reported in Niger. However, in view of inter-country trade and large population movements, the risk is high. The risk of introducing the virus lies mainly at airports, “said the Minister of Public Health. Dr Idi Illiassou Maïnassara to ensure that measures have been taken by Niger at international airports, in particular Diori Hamani International Airport in Niamey. “These measures are mainly aimed at raising awareness among travelers and all airport workers on strengthening hygiene rules, early detection of cases and their referral to a dedicated care center for this purpose at the hospital level. ‘General Reference Hospital. Thus, a secure transport system for suspicious cases in emergency from the airport to the care service has been set up, ”he assured before inviting the population to serenity, but also to take steps to protect themselves and their loved ones.

As for the precautions to be observed, they basically consist of frequently washing your hands with soap and water or cleaning them with disinfectants or alcohol. When the person coughs or sneezes, he should cover his mouth and nose with a tissue or hand, throw the tissue away immediately and wash your hands thoroughly. It is also recommended to avoid close contact with a person who has a fever and coughing from epidemic areas. If you have a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, you should seek medical advice immediately and inform your health care provider about any recent travel history or the visit of a traveler from epidemic areas. It is advisable to avoid eating raw or undercooked meat at all times. Raw meat, milk or animal organs should be handled with care to avoid cross-contamination with uncooked food.

The Minister of Health recalled that it was on January 5, 2020 that the People’s Republic of China notified the appearance of the coronavirus responsible for acute respiratory infections. According to Dr. Idi Illiassou Mainassara, it is a highly contagious disease. It is spread to a person through contact with nasal secretions and saliva droplets from a sick person’s cough or sneeze. This condition manifests itself like regular flu, with a fever accompanied by sore throat, cough, difficulty breathing, runny nose, intense fatigue, headache and muscle pain. Citing WHO statistics, the minister pointed out that as of February 2, 2020, twenty-three (23) countries other than China are affected by the epidemic, but no African country has notified any case . A total of 17,557 confirmed cases including 404 deaths have been reported to WHO. Among these cases there are 17,411 cases from China and 146 cases outside of this country. The Minister finally praised the efforts made by the People’s Republic of China to control the disease and reiterated its support for this difficult ordeal.

The WHO Representative in Niger said that the epidemic had been declared “Public Health Emergency of International Scope” by WHO. Faced with the situation, WHO recommended that all countries strengthen their surveillance system for early detection of cases and measures to be followed for individual and collective protection. Dr Anya Blanche Philomène Melanga encouraged all countries to strengthen their surveillance for Severe Acute Respiratory Infections (SARS), to carefully review any unusual reports of cases of IRAS or pneumonia and to notify WHO of any suspected or confirmed cases of coronavirus infection. “Niger must continue to strengthen its state of preparedness for health emergencies, in accordance with the International Health Regulations (2005),” she said before recalling the actions to be taken in the face of the epidemic.

Seini Seydou Zakaria (onep)

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