time, much cautiontomorrow, so far,back with you.Adriana: a taxi driver, denouncesa dealership of queens,ensures that he made mistakes whenbuy a vehicle, let’s go withwings.reporter: raquel, you win thelife driving taxi, that’s why,when he heard the offer he ranto separate one.I gave $ 2300.reporter: she was given thisreceipt and this card asproof of money that you receivedin cash, which he never received,they closed their case.the papers that i didsubmitted, the car was notmy name.reporter: that was in 2019,in which raquel says she was going todemand your money, nevergot. the seller no longerfound more and a managerit didn’t solve it either.he couldn’t make himselfresponsible because he was not adirect employee.reporter: and they said the samewhen we made the call.it is recommended to look at the reviewsof users, because we foundthat this has several negatives.cofferes, if you leavea deposit of a vehicle,make sure it’s a compywith a good reputation.reporter: any receipt