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No arrival date of the anticovid vaccine for children under 5 in Sinaloa

Teresa Navia / Quadratin Sinaloa

Teresa Navia / Quadratin Sinaloa

CULIACÁN, Sin., October 15, 2022.-One of the main objectives of the Sinaloa Ministry of Health is to define when it would be prudent to apply the anticovid vaccine to children under the age of five, for whom the institution is waiting to be advised.

In this sense, Cuitláhuac González Galindo, head of the agency, indicated that he did not have an expected date for the arrival of the vaccine for this sector, stressing that it is not yet the time.

“They ask for a report, they have not yet told us that we will have the vaccine; Let’s hope that happens, but it’s not time yet, “she said.

The Undersecretary of Health specified that they are currently in the intense vaccination campaign for the sector from five to 11 years, as well as in young people over 12 years and in pregnant women.

The latter sector, he added, is very important since during the pandemic there have been many cases of maternal death related to Covid-19, for which he stated that it is very necessary to strengthen vaccination in that sector.

Finally, González Galindo confirmed that there are many vaccines available for those who wish to purchase them.

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