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No amount of money can make up for 21 years in prison – VG

RELEASED: Viggo Kristiansen was released on 1 June last year following a decision in the Supreme Court.

Baneheia convict Viggo Kristiansen speaks out in an interview with Fædrelandsvennen about a possible compensation case if he were to be acquitted.


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The 43-year-old was released from prison on 1 June last year, after having the murder case reopened after serving almost 21 years. Now he is waiting for the decision on whether there will be an acquittal or a new trial.

It is expected that the public prosecutor in Oslo will make his recommendation in the case during the late summer or autumn.

Positive for a new court round

If Kristiansen were to be washed clean, he can be entitled to compensation of a significant amount in the millions.

Previously, Kristiansen and the family have stated that they want a new, full trial in order to have the opportunity to shed light on Kristiansen’s innocence. Opposite The friend of the fatherland Kristiansen does not want to answer whether he still wants it, but says he looks positively on a possible new court round.

The 43-year-old is clear that compensation, should he be acquitted, comes second for him personally.

– No amount of money in the world can make up for 21 years in prison and the pain this case has caused me and my family. I am eternally grateful that the family has been willing to stand up for me as they have done all these years, says Viggo Kristiansen in an interview with Fædrelandsvennen.

Background: Viggo Kristiansen believes he can claim millions from the state

Sentenced to detention

Stine Sofie Sørstrønen (8) and Lena Sløgedal Paulsen (10) were raped and killed after a swim in Baneheia in May 2000.

Viggo Kristiansen was sentenced to 21 years in prison for rape and murder, but has always denied having carried out the acts. The police has now charged Kristiansen’s former comrade Jan Helge Andersen for the murder of Lena Sløgedal Paulsen, the murder for which Kristiansen was convicted in 2002.

The readmission commission decided in 2021 to reopen the Baneheia case.

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