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No additional boas deployed to maintain coronavirus measures NOW

No additional extraordinary investigative officers (boas) are deployed to enforce the measures introduced due to the corona virus. That is what Minister Ferd Grapperhaus (Justice and Security) said on Monday evening.

The boas are given the opportunity to fine people if they do not comply with the measure to keep at least 1.5 meters away from each other on the street.

“The enforcers who would otherwise go out on the street are going to focus on it,” said Grapperhaus after consulting with the Security Council. In that Security Council are 25 mayors, who are the chairmen of the different security regions.

“The past few days we have spoken well with the police and the Public Prosecution Service to put it together,” said Grapperhaus.

First warning, then fine

According to Hubert Bruls, mayor of Nijmegen and chairman of the Security Council, enforcers will first issue a warning to people who do not comply with the distance measure.

“But we have some ‘stubborn ones’ and they have run out of patience,” said Bruls.

“If you really don’t understand that it is vital to keep your distance, I fear that there will be an official report and a fine. I am glad that we (mayors, ed.) Now have enough instruments.”

Who does not adhere to measure is ‘aso’

Grapperhaus once again addressed the people who do not observe the measures. “I just say it loudly: then you are an aso. You then place yourself outside society.”

In an emergency ordinance, mayors can now designate locations that are closed, such as parks or beaches, because too many people go there. During the sunny weekend, many people went to those areas and did not follow the distance measure there.

Follow the latest developments around the virus in our live blog.

The coronavirus in short

  • The coronavirus mainly spreads through sneezes and cough drops. The virus can be transmitted directly from person to person or (for a limited time) through surfaces such as door handles.
  • An infected person infects two to three others on average. Precautions are necessary to contain this.
  • The vast majority of patients have mild (flu-like) complaints.
  • Nearly all deaths involve the elderly or other frail, such as heart, lung or diabetes patients. If everyone complies with the measures, this reduces their risks.
  • Read here what precautions you should take.

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