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NIPH director Camilla Stoltenberg: – Has an understanding of the criticism

Last week, Dagbladet wrote in a leadership position that it was unfortunate for FHI director Camilla Stoltenberg to say VG that if she gets to choose, she would like the Moderna vaccine as the third dose.

“It is an unfortunate and completely unnecessary statement from the FHI director,” it was written in Dagbladet’s editorial, which is written by Dagbladet’s editorial writers.

Furthermore, it was written that Stoltenberg’s statement could be perceived as a signal that the Pfizer vaccine is not sufficient, and that one can only hope that the statement does not create unrest around vaccine choices.

UNDERSTAND: Ingvild Kjerkol sympathizes with those who are not allowed to celebrate Christmas as they wish this year. Reporter: Frode Andresen / Video: Marthe Tveter Gjønnes
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Understand the critique

– I think it was a good editorial that points out important things, and I understand that Dagbladet wrote it. However, I said that both vaccines are good and that I take the vaccine I am offered. Furthermore, I said that if I get to choose, I think I will choose Moderna, says Stoltenberg to Dagbladet.

– Now I chose the Moderna vaccine as the third dose on Monday, and the reason for that is that I have received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine, which I have been very happy with. But then there are some signs that it might be nice to mix, and some signs that Moderna might work better.

Stoltenberg emphasizes his most important message.

– First and foremost, my message is the following: The most important thing is to be vaccinated, both vaccines are good, and strictly speaking we do not know what is the best combination – so choose freely.

– But I would like to emphasize the Moderna vaccine because some have thought that it is worse. In addition, we have seen that the Pfizer vaccine has been very popular, but in fact both vaccines should be very popular.

NIPH’s department director for infection control and emergency preparedness, Line Vold, says that there will probably be lower infection rates at Christmas.
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The backdrop

Earlier in the pandemic, when Norway mainly offered the first and second dose, there were several who declined the Moderna vaccine after receiving the Pfizer vaccine, because they did not want to mix.

The challenge has persisted, and recently FHI’s vaccine manager Geir Bukholm wrote a letter to the country’s municipalities, health trusts and state administrators where he stated that the Moderna vaccine is ordered to a small extent by the municipalities. At the same time, he encouraged the municipalities to order doses of the Moderna vaccine in order to have it available for use as a refresher dose.

– The most important reason is probably that the vast majority have received primary vaccination with two doses of Pfizer, and will want the third dose with the same vaccine, Bukholm told Dagbladet at the time.

POSITIVELY: Assistant health director Espen Rostrup Nakstad says there have been several good pandemic news recently.
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Encourages own assessments

Minister of Health Ingvild Kjerkol encourages people to consider for themselves which vaccine they prefer.

– Now Camilla Stoltenberg has said that both of the vaccine candidates we have provide good protection. So here you can actually choose, and beyond that it is the professional recommendations from FHI that apply. Many people probably go into the vaccine room and are offered whether they want one or the other, and then you have to make an assessment yourself. Both provide good protection, says Kjerkol to Dagbladet.

– What do you prefer as a third dose?

– Now I have received two doses of Pfizer, and will receive my third dose on December 29 at home in Stjørdalen, and then I have to take what I am offered. If I get an offer to choose, then I have to think about until then.

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