Thiruvananthapuram: Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said that it cannot be said that the threat of Nipah has completely disappeared. The Chief Minister was speaking at a press conference held after 7 months. The Chief Minister last met the media on February 9.
The Chief Minister said that Nipah disease has not spread to many people and effective measures are being taken to prevent its spread. The health system is working cautiously. Early detection averted a dangerous situation. 994 people are under observation. A sample of 304 people was collected. Out of this, the test results of 267 people have been received. 6 people tested positive. 9 people are under observation at Kozhikode Medical College.
English Summary: CM Pinarayi Vijayan’s press meet today
2023-09-19 12:22:30
#Nipah #threat #completely #relief #spread #people #Chief #Minister