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Nintendo Switch is a very good console, but these elements are definitely missing

When I was packing some time ago for my vacation, I wondered whether to take your handheld console with you. I was wondering – to put some equipment in my backpack, or to let go of video games. And although I have already taken a lot of books and films, in the end I decided that the desire can come anytime. Then another question … PlayStation Portable and catching up on old titles or Nintendo Switch and something new?

I bet on a hybrid. And these holidays showed me why I love this equipment. They reminded me why I bought it and what charmed me. I admit that after the launch of the new generation, “Pstryk” hit the shelf and in fact I didn’t really move it from there. Sometimes – when a new title was released. Besides, rather not crazy. And certainly not in the scale of everyday fun, as it was during the premiere.

However, as I mentioned, my love was revived. Since returning, I very often start the Switch and enjoy the time spent with the console again. However, this is not a text about my admiration – a week spent only with this equipment showed me – quite paradoxically – what it lacks so much. There are a few elements Nintendo should definitely consider with this and the next version of the console. Let me list them below and discuss them.

Netflix / HBO Go and so on …

This is one of the elements that catch your eye from the very beginning. Moreover, this is an aspect that players have been asking for from the first months of the console’s existence. Sure, we already have Netflix everywhere, but if so … Why not have it in one place yet? It would be a bit more convenient than hiding the Switch and taking the phone out when we intend to switch to a different form of content consumption on the go.

Wireless headphones

The biggest pain in this matter was recently on the plane when I realized that I only took my bluetooth headphones with me. A moment of consternation why they don’t connect, and then sadness. I hope that implementing a connection with wireless headphones is a matter of software, not specific components, and it will be possible to implement it in the basic version of the console.

Air Pods

Better joy-cones

I’ve never had problems with the controllers. I have always looked after them, cleaned them and tried (I remember my childhood and Ultimate Team in FIFA) not to throw them. They always lasted a long time. In the case of Nintendo Switch, the first time there was a situation where I have a problem with drifting analog sticks. And considering how common the problem is… well, the developers could do a little more work.

Joy con

Quick Resume

Let me reach for one of the solutions that works great on Xboxes (and by no means it will be the last one related to Microsoft). Quick Resume works great there – especially since the Game Pass library offers a whole lot of smaller titles in which we do not spend several hours a day. Nintendo Switch stands for similar productions and the possibility of juggling them would be sometimes salutary.

Quick Resume

Nintendo Switch Online with newer games

The library of items available as part of the Nintendo Switch Online subscription shines with a large lack, or rather emptiness. Yes Yes – I realize it’s mostly internet accessand the games are just a bonus. After all, I would very much like the entertainment giants to throw there items from slightly newer consoles. I am convinced that it would increase interest. And the subscription price? In such a case – for me – she could easily go up and I would not be picking on for sure.

NSO games

Better screen backlight

Here I go a bit on the issue of hardware iteration, but I must admit that in the next one I would love to see how a better backlit screen would perform. After all, we are talking about a console, the great use of which is to be its mobility. And the sun, especially in summer, can be really dazzling. Unfortunately, this makes the playing is very tediousand in extreme cases, even simply impossible.

Sunny day

More powerful battery

Another issue related to the next versions of Nintendo Switch. Unfortunately, I still have the impression that the battery is a bit too weak. Certain limitations are definitely there, but I believe that after so many years from the premiere, you can squeeze more. I do not expect miracles, but I believe in progress. And even in the case of moderately demanding games, the percentages can sometimes drop at an alarming rate.

Nintendo Switch bateria

Xbox Game Pass

At the end I have to mention something that cannot be hidden. I still hope that Xbox will be able to agree with Nintendo regarding sharing their game library on the hybrid console. I’m not sure how this would work, but perhaps via streaming? Or just specific titles? I don’t know, really. Nevertheless, I would love to see it in practice and see if it has the right to succeed. And it seems to be a game worth the candle – if the idea worked, we would be dealing with a real “game changer”.

Xbox Game Pass

In sum…

There are actually several development options, and the above list is of course merely my wishes. There are certainly more possibilities, and on the other hand, I am not under the illusion that Nintendo will be able to satisfy them all – it is unlikely that most players dream about them (well, maybe except for Netflix and joy-cones). Without delay – let us know what you miss the most from Nintendo Switch and what changes you expect.

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