Home » Technology » Nintendo Switch Game ‘The Last Hope’ – A Prized PlayStation Exclusive Copy

Nintendo Switch Game ‘The Last Hope’ – A Prized PlayStation Exclusive Copy

At the beginning of June, the release attracted attention game called The Last Hope, which, from the promotional materials, was strikingly similar to the prized PlayStation exclusive The Last of Us. However, upon closer inspection, it was immediately obvious that this is a cheap “copy”, whose developers are only trying to parasitize the title from Naughty Dog by using a similar name, characters and other elements.

What is interesting about the whole situation is the fact that the game released only on Nintendo Switch, where the authors somewhat surprisingly managed to get through the approval process. The result was a release on Nintendo’s official digital store, where Switch owners could buy the title for a few euros.

Since leading foreign media also reported on this obscure plagiarism, it did not escape Sony’s attention in the end. The result is download The Last Hope from sale. At the same time, officially published samples also disappeared from the Internet. However, a detailed look at the game continues to be offered by a recently published video from Digital Foundry.

2023-08-02 06:01:23
#Tragic #clone #withdrawn #sale #Zing

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