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Nino Ferrer owner of a “magical place”: this 15th century fortified house where the singer lived

Nino Ferrer, a multi-talented artist, left his mark on the French and international music scene thanks to memorable songs. The South, Looking For You, I want to be black, Mirza, It’s irreparable, are all hits that have won over music lovers. Both singer, composer, musician and even actor, Arthur and Pierre’s dad has established himself in show business thanks to a unique style and music mixing rock, jazz, blues and variety . At the height of his glory, the interpreter of If you still love me unfortunately killed himself by a gunshot in a field near Montcuq, in the Lot. At the time, Nino Ferrer was going to celebrate his 64th birthday. 25 years after this tragedy, his sons chose to speak in the columns of Figaro. A way for them to pay tribute to their deceased father.

An extraordinary residence in the Lot

“He was deeply affected by the disappearance of Mounette, his mother, our father killed himself on August 13, 48 hours before his birthday and the day after our mother’s. He took care to send us shopping, left a letter for each of us, put on his Panama hat, took a cigar and went off to do his thing on the sly“, Pierre Ferrari confided to our colleagues this Tuesday, November 7, 2023. During his lifetime, Nino Ferrer lived in a sublime fortified house. A residence located at the top of a hill, surrounded by 25 hectares of Quercinois plateaus, which had its own studio. “ Nino is the first to have a home studio and to record concept albums designed not as compilations of 45s but as a work with tracks that follow one another,” remembers Grégoire Pineault.

According to him, the singer “was too early« . « Every year, 20,000 admirers visit the memorabilia room in the medieval tower and see his painting in the city council“adds Virginie Seguin from the Lot tourist office. In addition to this haven of peace, Nino Ferrer also owned a property in the west of Paris “ demanded by his two Jaguars, his Bentley“, launched Philippe Bouvard during an interview given to Figaro in 1966. To this day, Pierre and Arthur, the artist’s sons, share La Taillade. “ In this magical place, I created a studio where artists like Arthur H work“, explains the youngest who intends to honor the memory of his father and prove that the latter was a precursor of French Touch and French R’n’B.

2023-11-19 06:36:23
#Nino #Ferrer #owner #magical #place #15th #century #fortified #house #singer #lived

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