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Ninja talks about the downside of his celebrity

Tyler “Ninja” Blevins is certainly one of the best known and most successful streamers. He became known worldwide primarily through his activities in the battle royale shooter Fortnite and has earned a lot of money in recent years. Among other things, he switched from Twitch to competitor Mixer from Microsoft for a double-digit million sum some time ago, even if that did not last long. But the wealth and popularity definitely have their downsides. Ninja spoke about this recently during a stream.

Among other things, he explained that with money you can buy some things that make you happy. However, this is ephemeral and therefore not permanent. Real happiness cannot be bought with money. In addition, great wealth attracts many people with low intentions. It is getting harder and harder to see who the right and who the wrong friends are. This even extends to the family circle. Again and again some strangers would appear out of nowhere and ask for money. If she does not receive this, the initially friendly manner quickly turns into a much harsher tone and even insults. All of this bothered him and put a strain on his psyche.

However, Tyler “Ninja” Blevins made it clear in the same breath that it was by no means his intention to get sympathy for his situation. He knows very well that he is in a very privileged situation and that he enjoys many advantages that other people could only dream of. He just wanted to point out that there are always two sides of the same coin. A video of the entire round of questions with ninja can be found below this message.

Those: YouTube

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