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Nineteen victims of attacks in Brussels and Zaventem drag …

A group of nineteen victims of the attacks in Brussels and Zaventem has declared the government to be in default, says their lawyer Nic Reynaert, who is also a victim himself.

On Monday, Reynaert’s case will start before the Dutch-speaking court of first instance in Brussels, followed by the case of the other nineteen victims in April and May. “We blame the government for a lack of information, a lack of help and inadequate legislation,” Reynaert told Belga and Sunday afternoon to VTM Nieuws.

“I will win. No doubt ”, says Reynaert firmly one day before the introductory hearing of his own case. The lawyer survived the explosion in the Brussels metro: the bomb exploded in the carriage in front of him. “I still suffer from it in every area,” he says. “Still physically, and psychologically too: I see the images in front of me at least four or five days a week. They are burned onto my retina. ”

In addition to being a victim, Reynaert is also the lawyer for nineteen other victims, whose cases start on April 19, for ten victims before the Dutch-speaking court of first instance in Brussels, and on May 11, for nine of them before the French-speaking court of first instance. They come from different European countries.

One of them, the Hungarian Elizabeth Krahulecz, was seriously injured in the bombing at Brussels Airport. “Suddenly I felt heat all over my body and I hit the ground,” Krahulecz said in VTM Nieuws. “Part of the bomb hit me. My pelvis was shattered. ”

Reynaert also assists dozens of other victims, who still doubt whether they will sue the state. “This is not about me, it is about all victims,” emphasizes the lawyer. “If an attack happens tomorrow, people will be in the same boat again. That’s why we do it to avoid that in the future. ”

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