Home » today » News » Nine years after the disappearance of his son who went to work abroad; Finally the video call arrived and he asked for help

Nine years after the disappearance of his son who went to work abroad; Finally the video call arrived and he asked for help

Thiruvananthapuram: The son who went abroad for work nine years ago has not returned. Searched many places. Several attempts have been made through the embassy in Delhi and the Malayali Association. Nothing worked. Eventually the parents got their son back. S Praveen (34), son of couple C Sundaresan-BS Mani at Aryan Nadu Tolur Manikanda address, introduced himself to his parents via video call after nine years of anonymity.

Now this family is happy to be able to see and talk to their son at least through a video call after so many years. Former Thiruvananthapuram Municipal District Councilor IP Binu, Kerala Police Officers Association State Chairman & Inspector R. It was through Prashant’s intervention that the comforting news reached the couple who were eagerly awaiting . The family is waiting to see their son.

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Last day, IP Binu received a call from expats Kanil Das and Mujeeb. They informed Binu that Praveen, a native of Aryan Nadu of Thiruvananthapuram, has been stranded abroad without any contact with his family for 9 years. They said that Praveen, whose visa and passport had expired, was in very bad shape without work and that his family had to be found and brought back to the country immediately.

Then Binu’s friend and Arya’s native informed Prasanth, the state president and inspector of Kerala Police Officers Association. Later Prashant Praveen’s house was found using the passport information provided by them. Information was exchanged with family members. According to Binu, the branch secretary of CPM Aryanadu, Adv. Ajesh also reached the place and coordinated the matter.

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Praveen had a job as a painter in the countryside. Then he went to Abu Dhabi nine years ago for a restaurant job. After arriving there, Praveen kept in touch with the family for two years. Later he informed his relatives that he would be working in a company in another place. After that, there was no information about Praveen.

Years later, the father and mother cried when they saw their son. IP Binu said steps were being taken to bring Praveen home immediately. Praveen went abroad with the obligation to marry her second sister. She has been in a relationship with the family for two years. Praveen went to Abu Dhabi to work for Alain because the salary was low there. Meanwhile, the phone is lost. So it was not possible to contact the family. Praveen was taken abroad by his sister Priya’s husband’s friend. Praveen boarded the plane wanting to pay off his debts and find money to treat his bedridden father.

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