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nine mayors, including that of Chenôve, received by the Prime Minister on Monday

After a forum signed by more than 150 elected officials, nine mayors, including that of Chenôve Thierry Falconnet, are received this Monday, November 23 by Prime Minister Jean Castex by videoconference. They ask that 1% of the recovery plan be directed to neighborhoods in difficulty.

Elected officials are received this Monday, November 23 by Jean Castex to plead the cause of disadvantaged neighborhoods, after launching a “call for help” so that 1% of the recovery plan is directed towards “stalled territories”, Matignon announced.

This meeting by videoconference follows the publication of the platform of some 150 elected officials, worried about the “social and economic distress” in which the health crisis plunged these districts.

Facing the Prime Minister will speak nine mayors: Thierry Falconnet (Chenôve), Caroline Cayeux (Beauvais), president of the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (ANCT), Olivier Klein (Clichy), president of the National Agency for Renovation Urbaine (ANRU), Philippe Rio (Grigny), Christine Arenou (Chanteloup-les-Vignes), Frédéric Leturque (Arras), Gilles Leproust (Allonnes), Guillaume Delbar (Roubaix) and Hélène Geoffroy (Vaulx-en-Velin).

“A cry of alarm”

“This appeal to the President of the Republic is a cry of alarm from mayors who come from all political sensitivities. It is rare enough to signal it”, indicated Thierry Falconnet (PS), in the program Dimanche en politique on France 3 Bourgogne on Sunday 22 November.

These elected officials plead for a billion of the recovery plan, called “1% solidarity”, so either arrow for “associations working for youth and people in difficulty”, “the creation of local solidarity committees” and of “medical homes and health centers” in the poorest towns or even the creation of 7,000 mediator positions.

They also propose the establishment of a “National Solutions Council”, endowed with 75 million euros, comprising “elected officials, associations, civil servants, entrepreneurs and volunteer academics” and intended to “identify, promote and evaluate the solutions that work on the ground”.

“On the observation, we are aware of what is happening”, ensures the Minister of the City Nadia Hai by evoking a “shared concern”. The petitioners “make a number of proposals. It really deserves to be discussed with them”, she added. “We must provide answers on how this recovery plan is reaching neighborhoods” and “that they are not the last wheel of the recovery plan”, she again pleaded, while saying she wanted to defend her action for four months in office.

“On Form”, Nadia Hai however regretted that these “recommendations” have not “never been shared” with her before this forum, also co-signed by the president of the Association of mayors of France François Baroin (LR) and the president of urban France, that is to say the association of large metropolises, Johanna Rolland (PS) . However, during the last conference of the territories at the end of October in the presence of the government and associations of elected officials, “not one has addressed the question of city policy”, pointed out Nadia Hai.

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