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NÎMES The Open Table association launches an appeal for donations to help the most disadvantaged

Faced, like everyone else, with the increase in food prices, the Tavola Aperta association, which comes to the aid of those most in difficulty, is launching an appeal for donations.

Created 36 years ago by Odile Assmann, the Open Table association helps people in need. Five days a week it offers, among other things, a coffee reception every morning from 8:45 to 10:45 with tea, chocolate, coffee and pastries, as well as the possibility to take a shower with hygienic products (soap, shampoo, toothpaste , razor, etc.). Only meals eaten on site or to take away and Friday food parcels require a contribution of €1 (or €10 card for 15 meals).

At the end of the year, the volunteers and employees of the association create a “special holiday” package consisting of a small gift and an excellent meal. “To continue to maintain a financial balance (in the face of inflation, ed)this year we are forced to limit this distribution to 100 beneficiaries as enrollment requests increaseindicates the president Jean-pierre Vergniol. We currently have over 150 requests that we will not be able to honor.

The association has therefore launched a call for donations. “€10 will allow another beneficiary to have a package, a festive meal and a giftTo help Open Table teams: www.tableouverte.jimdofree.com or [email protected]

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