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Nimes Olympic
Fewer people, more wins. Nîmes Olympique once again recorded an attendance that borders on the ridiculous. They were only 1,532 (according to LFP figures) to attend this crucial meeting for the maintenance of the Crocodiles. But that did not prevent Frédéric Bompard’s players from winning 3-2 against Pau. It must be said that the people of Nîmes maintain a curious paradox. They won in five of the worst crowds at home (Annecy, Pau, Niort, QRM and Borgo in the Coupe de France). These five games took place with an average of 1,400 people. Conversely, Benoit Poulain’s teammates lost in three of the four best crowds in Nîmes (Saint-Etienne, Guingamp and Caen) with an average for this trio of 4,119 spectators. The success won against Bordeaux, for the farewell at the Costières stadium, was an exception with 9,462 spectators. As for the average at the Antonins stadium, it is 2,498 spectators over nine matches. Conclusion, the less people there are, the more the NO wins. It’s rather encouraging for the end of the season.
Maël Durand of Gevigney is under the threat of a third warning • Photo : Anthony Maurin
Durand de Gevigney under threat. The Nîmes central defender received his fifth warning of the season on Saturday, against Pau, after Caen, Valenciennes, Montauban (French Cup) and Metz. This has no immediate consequence for the former Versailles player, but Maël Durand de Gevigney is now under threat of a third yellow card in a period of ten games. It will be enough for him not to be sanctioned against Valenciennes on Saturday to erase the yellow card received against Lorraine. Kelyan Guessoum, hero of the match on Saturday by scoring the winning goal at the last minute, does not have this concern despite his yellow card, no more than goalkeeper Axel Maraval who received his first card of the season. As for Nasser Djiga, he is still under threat of a third yellow card.
The silver club label for USAM. On the sidelines of its general meeting, the NHL (National Handball League) presented the results of its second labeling campaign, carried out among 32 professional male clubs. For this vast survey, the clubs provided a detailed picture of their activities using more than 600 criteria, classified into four distinct themes: Governance, Administration, Finance and CSR – Marketing, Commercial and Communication – Sport, Training and Medical – Infrastructure and Customer Services. After compiling the information provided by the clubs, and taking into account a predefined points grid. Five clubs have obtained the Gold label (Chambéry, Limoges, Montpellier, Nantes and Paris) and ten the silver label, including USAM. ” This rank shows all the efforts and all the work that the club has been doing for many years, in particular on the recognition of the quality of sports work, whether on the professional part but especially on training which is a very important sector of the club. . In the quality of the infrastructures, the quality of the workforce but also of the supervision, the results obtained prove the work carried out and that USAM is one of the most important training centers in France. explained Jérôme Chauvet, general manager of USAM Nîmes Gard.
Norman Garden
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