Before the big show on May 6, 7 and 8 in the arenas, Vercingétorix alias Jonas Bachan, talks to us about his role and his life. Interview conducted during the filming of the presentation teaser of the show in November 2022.
Context… Here we are in the Roman amphitheater of Nîmes in May. Immerse yourself in Roman history with the new show called Vercingetorix. From Gergovie to Alésia, as close as possible to historical reality, relive the greatest battles of the Gallic Wars which pitted the legendary Gallic leader against the great Julius Caesar. More than 500 re-enactors from all over Europe make you relive the circus games as they were two thousand years ago.
Objective Gard: Who is Vercingetorix ?
Jonas Bachan: My name is Jonas Bachan. I was born in Austria, but I grew up in the South-West, in the Landes, and I’ve been in Paris for five years now. I did the Florent lessons, the free class. I must have been working for a little over two years.
Jonas who will perform Vercingetorix is training (Photo Anthony Maurin).
How did you get into this adventure?
I worked with the brother of Tommy Weber, the director, when I was in free class. He told me we were looking for a guy for Vercingetorix. I got the info three days ago and here I am to shoot the teaser!
Here with Tommy Weber, the director (Photo Anthony Maurin).
How does it feel to embody such a character? For the teaser, but also for the live show to follow!
In front of a lot of people, apparently! It’s a lot of pressure because I only know Asterix and Obelix. I had never really immersed myself in the thing. I tried to read a little to get a rough idea of the character, but it’s super exciting. You still carry a monument on your shoulders.
Jonas Bachan, our modern-day Vercingetorix (Photo Anthony Maurin).
So you are one of those actors who are interested in the roles they play?
I don’t know how to do otherwise, otherwise I can’t do it! Some actors only use the text to get into it, but I need to create a whole world around it. Very often I print stuff that I put in my room. I don’t care a bit everywhere like the method Actors studio. But I need that, especially when you’re playing someone who actually existed or still exists. Recently, I did a series in which I played the character with whom I ate lunch. I was in front of the person I was going to embody when I was young. When I played Lafayette, in a series too, I typed all the existing documentaries. That’s what I love about this job.
Does shooting the teaser in winter before the show which will take place at the end of spring allow you to better embody the character?
Yes, just putting on the costume already puts you in the mood. You have to have a certain posture. We have an original camp, it really helps! Being in the arenas will be the same, but I tell myself that I am not alone and that there will be so many things for the public to see that it takes the pressure off.
Precisely, Nîmes, the arenas, you know?
No way. I asked to be shown this evening, but I only know the photo and it looks monstrous, incredible. The energy there will be with all the actors, the re-enactors and the public, it’s going to be crazy! I have already played in front of 400 people in a big theater in Paris for the Olga Horstig prize.
Friend-friend with the Romans, logical when you know the real story of Vercingetorix! (Photo Anthony Maurin).
Excitement and fear?
It’s very exciting. I take advantage of it to go back to riding. I did a little bit when I was young but now I should be performing in front of the public. I’m going to do a good preparation, I’m not afraid of it. I come from the world of surfing, which I practiced at a high level, so I have balance. I’m not afraid of extreme sports so I would say it’s mostly excitement because it’s not my world.
Physically, are you going to prepare? Are you going to follow a specific training?
I haven’t been told anything yet but I would like to gain some muscle mass. I’m not frail and we don’t know much about the real Vercingetorix, but I think I’m going to need it, mentally, because he’s still the king of the Gauls who were warriors so… He wasn’t all weaklings! I don’t have a big beard so I won’t be able to do much so I would like to feel a little more Gaulish by gaining muscle. Even for the fight it will be useful to me because I will be more solid on my supports. I have five months ahead of me.
On horseback (Photo Anthony Maurin).
It’s true that you have time…
It’s incredible ! I took the train with the director and, since I had never done a sword fight, I asked him if I could work on it. I love great movies like Troy, for example, or the series Vikings. I don’t know if doing fencing will be useful to me, but I want to have a gesture, a mobility, a look. I know I could fake it but I want to be credible, including for people who know about it. I want people to see that I worked the part.
A few tips that will be very useful (Photo Anthony Maurin).
An additional fear? An unacknowledged curiosity?
I have taken riding lessons again and everyone assures me that these horses are used to it. They are show horses, trained for that. What makes me most curious is immersing myself in this story that I only know from afar and which is mythical. We think that… But nobody affirms things! Even Caesar, I read the Gallic Wars and it’s very blurry… We present him tall, red-haired with long hair, but maybe he was only 1.20 meters tall and bald Vercingetorix! I am very curious and hyper motivated. After playing Lafayette, I can tell you all about his life. I like to think that with Vercingetorix, this will also be the case.
Do experimental archeology in a real amphitheater? Do you know the issues?
I’ve never practiced, I didn’t know it existed at all, but it’s incredible. These associations are crazy, their members do incredible things and I respect that. It’s huge, when you think about it, to have such a passion. I agree, but it’s incredible. When I was told there would be 500 extras, I didn’t realize that these guys do this all year round and try to relate to life at the time. That’s wonderful.
You will embody this union that exists between these 500 people who will be by your side on D-Day…
That also scares me. These guys all know what they’re talking about and, even if I won’t be on their level, I have to approach him so as not to disappoint them. I want to play my role as a leader, to unite all these people. I will feel even more cultured. And it is all the same the history of our country, of Europe. It’s incredible. I am touched to have been chosen for that, I who am not even French more than that. I’ve always been called the Viking and there, I tell myself that it’s cool because this guy is the first real French revolution.
Vercingetorix (Photo Anthony Maurin).
To buy your tickets, it’s here!
Anthony Maurin