Until noon today, the Emmanuel d’Alzon Institute opened its doors on the high school, CFA and preparatory classes side. Even with meticulous organization, the establishment has been a victim of its own success, displaying a very high rate of curious and ever younger visitors.
Less than a month before the end of the wishes on Parcoursup, many establishments have organized their open days, in order to introduce future students to their places of study. This was the case this morning at the Emmanuel d’Alzon Institute in Nîmes, where from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. many families followed one another for visits, including three reception residences. Virginie Cote, director of the CFA at the Institut d’Alzon and deputy director of higher education, pointed out that several training courses have been in high demand by visitors: “We are opening a cybersecurity bachelor’s degree next year, we have had a lot of requests for information about it, just like for the DTS Radiology Medical Imaging that we opened at the start of the 2021 academic year”. Families who sometimes came from all over France: “We had parents from Rodez, and even as far as Paris!” she smiled. On the CFA side, at least 350 came to “fish for information”, 30% of whom were second-year students, a figure showing that young people are mobilizing earlier and earlier for their future. All confused, the cursor flirted with the number 2000.
The visits were organized in the form of groups. For better organization, panels with the proposed training have been installed so that families can attend the visits that interest them. At the head of these visits, teachers but also student volunteers: “There is a rather reassuring side when it is the students themselves who introduce their studies to those who are interested”, explains Marie Lachaud, the Institute’s Deputy Director of Communications. Second-year student Kelyan Turgot had a great time: “People were nice and pleasant, I had the help of a final year student. It was very well organized and super cool!” he declares. Anais Jeanjean, a final year student who accompanied him, thought the same thing but underlined certain points which could be improved for the next edition: “It was sometimes a bit complicated to target where certain families wanted to go because of the number of people present. The visits were quite general but on the other hand, it could open their minds”she tells us.
Virginie Cote, director of the CFA at the Institut d’Alzon • DR
In addition to discovering the different training courses, the families were able to meet on the high school side the stands that are part of the life of the establishment, such as the Association of Parents of Pupils in Free Education. At its head for three years, Peguy Baille explained the importance of the curious meeting the parents of students. Marie Lachaud reminds us that these are pillars in the organization of the establishment. As a reminder, there is an APEL office in each Emmanuel d’Alzon site. Among high school students, an organization also exists: the BDL. Throughout the year it offers various events and is at the heart of high school life. In total, 65 people work daily to ensure its proper functioning.
The deputy director of the François Dufour high school recalled the three points put forward during this open day: to show the richness and diversity of the training, to show the friendly and supportive side of the establishment through teachers and students and show that families are supported by the existing school system. Desires that seduced Arnaud Zafrilla, who came to accompany his daughter: “She plans to come here, she hesitates with other establishments. The presentation amazed me, I have the impression of being in an American campus”, he reveals. There is no doubt that these words will please the actors of this day.
Sacha Virga