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Nils Kvalvik: – Refused to pay a fine

Dagbladet updates the case continuously!

Last autumn, there was a strong storm around several “Farmen” participants, as in February last year conducted a gathering in Porsanger, Finnmark, where they, among other things fastened together without seeming particularly concerned with corona restrictions.

At the time of the party, it was stipulated that no more than ten people could be present at private gatherings indoors. This was confirmed to Assistant Health Director Espen Nakstad Dagbladet.

– Even if you have been quarantined and tested repeatedly, it is not allowed to be more than ten people at a private event. Exceptions to this are children’s birthdays and funerals, where there are separate rules, he wrote in an e-mail at the time.

During the meeting it was posted videos and photos on multiple social media, including from a party where they stood close together and drank alcohol from the same bottle.

  • Watch the video at the top of the case!
CURSE: Nils Kvalvik had to leave “Farmen” after the much-discussed drunken party in 2020. At “Torpet” one year, he again had to pack his things after breaking the rules. Video: Red Carpet / TV 2
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Two months later, the police issued two fines, one to the sports team they were visiting, and one to the organizer of the party, Nils Kvalvik. They were fined 20,000 each for breaking the infection control rules.

This was confirmed to Dagbladet by the head of the prosecution in the Finnmark police district, Morten Daae. Kvalvik quickly decided that he would not pay the fine.

Today, Kvalvik meets in Vestre Finnmark District Court. Dagbladet follows the case via video link. Half a day has been set aside for the main negotiations.

Kvalvik has changed his “Farmen” outfit, which we are used to seeing him in, and is today dressed in a dark suit, blue shirt and tie.

– Do not agree

Over the past year, Dagbladet has covered both the controversial party and the reactions afterwards. In April last year Kvalvik stated the following to Dagbladet:

– I will be shocked if we are punished.

– All gave negative coronatest answers and all were quarantined in advance. We were one cohort, and took all possible measures to follow the rules, he added.

NECESSARY: It was absolutely necessary for the “Farmen Kjendis” participant to bring this into the farm. Reporter: Svend Aage Madsen. Video: Tor Lindseth / Red Carpet
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Benny Solheim, Kvalvik’s defender, tells VG that the police have given his client a fine which he does not agree with. Solheim believes Kvalvik should be acquitted.

– He does not consider himself guilty, and then the case must be treated as a criminal case, he says to the newspaper. He also adds:

– The prosecuting authority will file a claim for 24,000 kroner. In fines, a confession discount has been baked down, so it is common for them to make a larger claim if the case goes to court.

Prosecutor Tord Nyland Karlsen says in court that Kvalvik has been charged with a violation of the Infection Control Act. The prosecuting authorities will, among other things, present video evidence in the case. You can see parts of the video evidence at the top of this case.

Solheim points out that the infection control measures often changed when the “Farmen” party was held, and that it may therefore have been difficult to follow the current rules at all times.

NO STOLE: “Farmen Kjendis” has this week taken hold of previous theft on the market. Video: Red Carpet
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Nils Kvalvik explains himself in court. He says, among other things, that the event was planned already when the participants were at the “Farm” farm.

– We discussed a gathering in Finnmark as soon as we came out (from “Farmen” editor’s note) and things had stabilized.

NO DISTANCE: The participants took a number of precautions, and therefore believe they did not need to keep their distance from each other.  Photo: Screenshot / Thor Haavik

NO DISTANCE: The participants took a number of precautions, and therefore believe they did not need to keep their distance from each other. Photo: Screenshot / Thor Haavik
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He points out that all the participants at the party took negative tests both before and after the event, in addition to the fact that they had all been quarantined for ten days. Thus, he regarded the gang as a cohort.

He remembers that there were around 20 people at the party – from different places in Norway.

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